Chapter Three Point Five: Building Bridges

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Perspective Change Third Person:
Tatsumi awakens with a start, his mind still racing with the thoughts of the nightmare he just escaped from. He takes a steady intake of breath as he runs his hand down his face.

Tatsumi: "Dammit!...Another nightmare about them." Tatsumi's thoughts immediately switch to images of Sayo and Ieyasu. "I thought I'd be over it by now." He looks out his window. The moon is still high in the night sky, accompanied by millions of glittering stars. The light of their gentle glow seems to chace Tatsumi's fear away. "How early is it? I can never tell in here."

Tatsumi removes his covers, throws his legs over the side of his bed and pushes himself to his feet. He walks over to the window and stares into the darkness for a minute. He then looks at his door as he realizes that he's now too awake to fall back asleep. "Oh well...I may as well go for a walk." He slips on his jacket and exits the room.

The long corridor is oppresivly bleak, drenched completly in shadow except for the far end, where the only visible window is located. Tatsumi follows its dim light like a beacon, his footsteps being the only sound that he can hear.

Making his way down the corridor and stairs, Tatsumi soon finds himself in the meeting room. The room looks even large than it already did when nobody is crowding around the Boss's chair, which Tatsumi dares to sit in...But only for a second before jumping back to his feet, worried about what will happen if the Boss were to suddenly come through the door. Tatsumi takes a second to turn back and admire the soft cushions that his posterior was just caressed by. 'That is one comfortable chair. I can see why she's so fond of it.'

Tatsumi then makes his way down another corridor and enters the kitchen. 'Maybe getting a drink will help.' He walks over to the sink and grabs a glass of water. He lets out a relieved breath as he feels the cool liquid run down his throat.

He pours himself a second glass and suddenly starts hearing a strange noise like distant, sharp breaths. Following the noise, he eventually ends up in the training grounds. Tatsumi scans the courtyard, certain that the noise is coming from somewhere around there.

Then, deep in the shadows, he sees movement. He squints his eyes and is able to make out the outline of (Y/fn). He appears to be ducking and weaving, like a form of shadow boxing. It isn't until Tatsumi looks closer that he sees (Y/fn) is actually dodging something.

It's a small ball wrapped in what looks like a thick piece of rope. Except, instead of it being made of woven fibres, it appears to be made of an elastic material. (Y/fn) has pinned one end to the floor and wrapped the other around a high tree branch, the ball suspended in the middle.

(Y/fn) appears to be punching the ball, before the harness pings it back towards him. He then either moves out of its way, or hits it again, but each time he does, it returns faster.

Tatsumi watches the strange ritual for a few more moments. But when (Y/fn) ducks beneath the ball's return, pivots, and drives his heel into it, Tatsumi realises that he probably isn't going to stop anytime soon. "What are you doing?" (Y/fn) suddenly snaps to attention and grabs the ball with one arm, slowly moving it back into a neutral position, stopping its movement entirely.
Perspective Change (Y/fn):
You let go of the ball and turn to Tatsumi. You hadn't even heard him arrive.

(Y/fn): "Just doing some training. I apologise if I woke you." Tatsumi waves off your apology.

Tatsumi: "Actually, I was already up when I heard you outside. So I decided to come and see what the commotion was about. So...What is that thing?" He gestures to your impromptu training apparatus. You run your hand up the taught lines, before gripping the ball.

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