Chapter Six: A Friend To Hold You

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Perspective Change Third Person:
As Tatsumi sleeps, he dreams of a strange city, steeped in fog so thick it obscures the surrounding buildings, leaving him only capable of seeing the path directly under him. There are no people around, or animals for that matter. Just the hollow sound of the empty wind blowing down the cobblestone road.

???: "Tatsumi..." But as he walks, a soft voice calls out to him. Suddenly, on the very edge of the fog, Sayo and Ieyasu appear before him. The happiness that Tatsumi feels can't be put into words.

But at the same time, he can't shake the overwhelmingly sad and bitter feeling that seeing them here may just be the last time.

Ieyasu: "Tatsumi...It's about time for us to get going," Ieyasu declares.

His arms are folded. His back is straight. And his usual confident smirk tugs at his lips.

Sayo: "We're heading this way. But you should go back now," Sayo smiles at Tatsumi, but sadness lines her words as she gestures towards an unseen land beyond the mist.

Tatsumi: "What are you you talking about? The three of us will go together," Tatsumi reaches for Sayo. His skin doesn't even touch her sleeve before it slips through his fingers as easily as the wind does her hair.

Both she and Ieyasu cast their faces downward, the melancholic look in their eyes contrasting the ghostly smiles on their faces.

Suddenly, they look Tatsumi in the eyes, their own shimmering with a confident resignation.

Ieyasu: "You've already found new friends, haven't you?"

Sayo: "You can't rely on us forever, you know?" Slowly, the distance between the three friends grows larger, even though their legs don't move. Almost like they're being forced apart by fate.

Ieyasu: "Later, Tatsumi..."

Sayo: "If there's a heaven, we'll see you there someday, okay?" Sayo and Ieyasu turn away from and begin to walk into the fog, their forms becoming more obscured the deeper they go.

As his aching heart begins to choke him, Tatsumi desperately reaches for his spectral companions.

Tatsumi: "Wa...Wait! Please..." Sayo and Ieyasu both dissapear completly from view. Even the sounds of their footsteps stop echoing in Tatsumi's ears. "DON'T LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" Suddenly, Tatsumi lurches forward, his face drenched with sweat. The ground beneath his feet has given way to the soft cushion of his bed. As he looks around his room, his mind drifts back to his dream. "Tch. What a painful dream," he sneers, cradling his face in his palm.

As Tatsumi tries to get out of bed, he feels something weighing down one side of his covers.

Sheele lies asleep at his bedside, her glasses having slid partway down her face.

Sheele: "Mu~Nyaa~Nyaa Tatsumi..." Sheele mutters to herself in her sleep.

Tatsumi: 'Guess she dozed off.'

Sheele: "Tatsumi...And (Y/fn)...Will be working with me...It seems. Let's try to get along...Zzzz..."
The meeting room:
Lubbock, Najenda and Leone have all gathered and are eating their way through a very appetising fruit basket.

As he bites into a crisp and crunchy apple, a thought comes to Lubbock.

Lubbock: "I'm wondering...Is it really a good idea to put Sheele in charge of Tatsumi and (Y/fn)?" Najenda tears off a chunk of her own apple before replying.

Najenda: "It'll be fine. I think they'll work well together."

Lubbock: "What makes you say that?" He asks sceptically

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