chapter 21

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I wake up to the feeling that someone was watching me, I rub my eyes and see Diego looking at me.

" What " I ask stretching, " nothing" he says chuckling. He goes to kiss me but I move back some because I am still mad at him. He looks shocked and hurt.

" Baby I said I was sorry, I understand that your mad and hurt but it happened while we was broken up " Diego says and I just sit up putting my hair in a messy bun

" I don't care Diego. How would you feel if I fucked your best friend while we was broken up and didn't tell you until years later. " I shout at him as I get up

" I would be a little mad for a few hours but it was when we was broken up" Diego says getting up as well

" No you wouldn't, you would have been extremely mad. You know what Diego, I fucked Carlos while we was broken up" I yell at him

" You did what"Diego yells at me and I look at him with a point look

" I never fucked Carlos but look how mad you got " I say and he looks down

" Okay your right, I would have been mad. " Diego says and I roll my eyes

" Babe I'm sorry, I don't want to fight anymore, please forgive." Diego says as he walks over and wraps his arms around my waist.

" I can't Diego, this is the worst thing you or her have ever done to me. I have never felt more betrayed or hurt more than I do now. You fucked my best friend and never told me. How am I suppose to trust you or her after this? How the hell can you keep fucking ona a secret from me but not when you fuck these other bitches? " I ask

" Because that wasn't suppose to happen, me and her swore we would never tell anyone. We was both ashamed at what we did so we never told you. " Diego says and I just look to the side not wanting to look at him anymore

" Just give me some time to think about all of this " I say as grabbed my phone and charger. I start to walk out but Diego grabs my wrist pulling me back and kisses me

I instantly melted into the kiss feeling all my sadness and anger melt way, I wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist.

We kissed for about a minute until I forcefully pulled away. I could slowly feel myself wanting to forgive him that's why I pulled away from the kiss.

" Take as much time as you need just... Just don't leave me again " Diego says as he lays his forehead on mine

" I promised I wasn't gonna leave you anymore and Im not, I just need a little space " I say and he pulls me into a hug, after a few seconds I forcefully pulled away. Diego knows what he's doing, he's done this a million times before to get me to forgive him. Im not falling for it again.

" I'll see you later " I say before walking towards the door. I had this feeling to turn around and run into his arms and break down.

I knew that if I broke down in his arms he would catch me and help me back up again, but I can't keep running to Diego whenever something is wrong or when I feel scared.

Im a big girl now, I can fight my own battles and pick my own self up when I break down. I have down it before so I'm sure I can do it again.

I just don't want to do that again, it was alot more painful and took more time to pick myself up own my own. With Diego it only takes a few seconds, all I have to do is look into his eyes or see his adorable smile and I'm fine again.

Me and Diego have done become to dependable on each other. Im always there when he needs me and he's always there when I need him. We always need the other one, like how he needs me to be beside him so he can go to sleep or like how I need him to hold me when I feel scared.

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