Chapter 29

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I wake up around 5 o'clock in the afternoon, after last night I was really tired. I stretched and turned over to face Diego who was still asleep. I smiled at how adorable he is, I kissed him on the cheek softly before picking his shirt up off the floor and putting it on along with my underwear.

I put my hair up in a messy bun before walking downstairs, my mom was in the kitchen cooking breakfast. " morning " she greets and I smile at her, " morning " I say back as I sit on one of the stools at the island.

" Diego still asleep " she asks and I nod, " he'll probably sleep all day " I tell her and she nods

" I would imagine so, I mean y'all stayed at Jackson's until like 11 then came home an stayed up until 2. " she says and I blushing looking down

" you know honey, you don't have to be so loud. I have never moaned as loud as you did " she says chuckling

" mom " I shout in embarrassment as I cover my face with my hands, " I'm just saying, you don't have to be so loud." She says and I look down

" you have also never been with someone like Diego " I say back

" honey, I'm fixing to be 40 years old. I assure you I have probably been with someone like him. " she says and I shake my head disagreeing with her

" okay fine, how big " she asks and I choke on the air, " I'm not tell you how big it is " I say in shock that she just asked me that.

" come on, what is it. 5? " she asks and I shake my head no and wave my hand upwards signaling to count higher

" 6 " she asks and I wave my hand again, " 7 " she asks and I wave my hand again, " oh god, now I see why you moaned so loud. I ain't never been with anyone bigger than a 7 " she says and I start laughing

" what's so funny " Diego asks as he walks into the kitchen, " oh nothing " my mother says as she looks him up and down, I laugh even more.

" what are you laughing at " Diego asks chuckling as he wraps his arms around my waist from behind, " I just have the giggles " I tell him and he nods before kissing my cheek and walking over to the fridge.

" you sure it's bigger than 6" my mother whisper to me as she sit down beside me, " I'm pretty sure " I whisper back and she looks back at Diego.

" stop looking " I whisper yell at her and she rolls her eyes playfully, " so when are y'all going home ", my mom asks

" this weekend " I say and she nods, " I was kinda hoping we could leave today and go spend a few days with my mom" Diego says and I shrug

"  I mean, if you can get the plane tickets we'll go " I say and he nods before running upstairs. " so when do you plan on having the wedding " she asks and I shrug

" well you know my birthdays next week so I was thinking about having it sometime after my birthday" I tell her and she nods, I get up and go upstairs to see Diego doing something on his phone, " I got the tickets, we leave sometime tonight " he says and I nod as I lay beside him.

" what are you looking at " I ask as I lay my head on his chest, " houses " he says as he scrolls through his phone.

" make sure they have a pool and a hot tub " I say and he chuckle, " okay mamas "

I laid there listening to his heart beat for a while, while he looked for a house. After about an hour, I got up and started packing mine and his stuff.

" Lauren's calling you " Diego says as he hands me my phone, I answer as I put my make up into my make up bag.

" wassup bitch " she says and I chuckle, " nothing, I'm just packing " I tell her

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