Chapter 30

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I wake up to the plane shaking a little, " it's okay, we're just about to land" Diego says as he grabs my hand, I bury my face into his shoulder because I hate the landing. I don't know why, it's just scares me for some reason.

We finally landed and I'm surprised Diego can still feel his hand because of how tight I was holding onto it.

We walk off the plane and go get our stuff and my car, Diego decided he would drive, so I sat in the passenger seat. " imma go live " I tell Diego and he nods

I start my live and set my phone up on the dashboard, I have a little phone holder thingy.

The live

" hiii, I love you " support

" I love you too " I say with a small smile

" you wanna get food " I ask Diego and he nod, " lemme guess? McDonald's " he says and I nod smiling.

" I want McDonald's too" Carlosmena

" Carlos wants McDonald's too" I say chuckling, " he has his own car so he can go get his own food" Diego says and I chuckle

Diego's phone dings, he sighs as he looks at his phone, " what's wrong " I ask

" my mom had to go on a business trip so looks like we're going home " he says and I frown because I know Diego really wanted to see him mom. He doesn't get to see here a lot because she's always gone on business trips.

I grab his hand and interlock our fingers, " it's gonna be okay " I say and he nods

" do you maybe wanna share Diego? You know like I get him Mondays, Wednesday, Fridays and you get him the rest of the time" supporter

" yeah no, I don't share " I say chuckling, " but if he pisses me off bad enough I'll send him to you " I say and Diego looks at me with a weird face

" damn, you really gonna do me like that babe " Diego asks and I chuckle, " yea- no, I probably wouldn't " I say and he chuckles

I guessed Lauren and she screamed like literally, " ahh, I can't wait to see you. Your gonna come to my house right" she asks

" yes Lauren,we will come to your house right after we get food " I say chuckling

" noooo, I don't wanna see her " Diego whines and I chuckle

" Then stay in the car " she says and Diego rolls his eyes

" Who remembers when her and ona would guest each other almost every time they went live if they wasn't already together " supporter

" I miss you and Ona, I mean I love you and Lauren but I liked you with Ona a lot more " supporter

" I hope me and Ona can get past this fight and become friends again but I just don't know " I sigh as I look down at my lap

" what Giovanni " Lauren yells and I look up, " I have to go, Gio is being a baby " she says and I nod before she leaves.

" aye, da girl " Jesse Underhill

" Jesse " I squeal as I guest him

" ayyyy" me and him both say once he answer

" shut up " Diego whines and I chuckle, " don't talk to me like that " Jesse says in a girl voice as he flips his imaginary hair

" I'm sorry babe " Diego says and I cross my arms over my chest with a pout

" fuck you jesse,you took my man " I say and he laughs, " I had him before you girl " he says in his girl voice

" I fucked him more than you " I say back and he laughs, " that's true " he says with a pointed look and I laugh.

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