chapter 23

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We drove for 2 hours straight, I don't know where we're going, I don't recognize where we are either.  I was in Diego's lap the whole time, he had a tight hold on my waist.

" Well kids welcome too your new home for a few days " the man in the passenger seat says.

The men all get out so it was just me and Diego in the car now, " when they open the doors, run and don't look back." Diego says, " what about you" I ask tearing up again

" I'll be right behind you, don't worry about me just run okay" Diego says and I nod

I wrap my arms around Diegos neck and hug him. After a few minutes the guy that touched my thigh opened the door.

" Let's go " he says I got out first and Diego followed behind me. Diego grabbed my hand and we looked at each other before we both cut out running.

" Get back here " one of them yell as they all start running after us. " Run faster " Diego yells, he was basically dragging me with him because we was still holding hands and Diego runs alot faster than I do.

We finally made it into some woods and kept running until we couldn't hear the men chasing us anymore.

We ran farther into the woods for about 20 minutes until I had tripped over a branch and fell, thankfully I didn't sprain or brake anything.

" Baby come on, we gotta keep going" Diego says helping me up, we keeping running and running until eventually I couldn't run anymore.

I fell on the ground because my legs just gave out on me, I was breathing hard barley being able to catch my breath.

" Bre, get up, we have to keep going" Diego whispers, " I can't " I whisper back rubbing my thighs

" Yes you can, now come on " Diego whisper yells at me " I can't Diego, I can't move or feel my legs " I whisper yell at him.

Diego looks around the woods before he sighs and sits down beside me, "okay let's just rest but as soon as you get feeling in your legs again we have to keep going" Diego says and I nod

I Iay my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist looking all around the woods watching for the guys.

We sat there in silence for about 20 minutes until I got feeling in my legs again.

" I can feel my legs again" I whisper to him and we get up, as soon as I stood up my legs felt wobble. Diego grabs my waist and holds me up, " I thought I was the only thing that couldn't make you walk " Diego says and I couldn't help but smile and chuckle

Even in the worst situations, he can make me smile

" Come on, let's keep going " Diego says and I whine

" Im tired, my legs are killing me, my arm feels like it's about to fall off because you keep pulling it, and I just want to go home " I whisper starting to cry

If your wondering why were whispering, it's because we don't want them to hear us if they are close by.

Diego pulls me into a hug and I silently cry into his chest," I wanna go home too but we have to keep going so they won't catch us and we can actually be able to go home" Diego whispers

" I see them " someone yells and me and Diego start running again. They started shooting at us and yelling, that just made me run faster. I was actually in sync with Diegos running speed now.

" Bre looks " Diego yells looking up at a tree, I look at the tree and see a tree house about 30 feet up

" Diego you know I terrified of hights"  I say, " it's either that or they catch us " Diego says and I nod

We run as fast as we could and climbed the stairs the lead up to the tree house as fast as we could. I didn't look down because I knew if I did, I would start freaking out.

I climbed in the tree house and right when Diego climbed in we heard the men talking below us.

" Where'd they go" one of them ask

" The tree house" one of them say as they start to climb the tree house. This is it there gonna find us and kill us, Diego found a big rock and through it out one of the windows in the tree house.

" There over there " the fat one says and the person climbing the tree house stops climbing and runs the way Diego through the rock.

I waited a few minutes to make sure they was gone before I rushed over and shut the tree house door locking all the locks on the door.

There was a camouflaged curtain on the windows so I let all of them down. There was only 2 windows, there was 2 metal chairs, a twin sized bed but no blankets or pillows

" I think this is someone's deer hunting stand" Diego whispers and I nod. Diego grabs my hand and pulls me on to the small matress beside him.

" You try and go to sleep, we'll takes shifts sleeping while the other one watches, I'll take first watch " Diego says and I nod

I lay in between Diego's legs and lay my head on his stomach. He was sitting up slight so he could see out of the windows

I couldn't sleep, I was too scared of those guys coming back. I wrap my arms around Diegos waist and hug him as tight as i could, at least I'm gonna die with the person I love the most in the world.

After a few hours I still couldn't go to sleep and it's started to get cold, I was only in shorts and a crop top, " here " Diego whispers handing me his hoodie

I quickly took the hoodie and put it on, I felt alittle warm but not much. I got up and sat in Diego's lap straddling him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in-between my arm and his neck

" God, baby your freezing cold " Diego says and he wraps his arms tightly and protectively around my waist.

" There has to be a blanket somewhere" I shiver as I look around, it was dark so I couldn't really see anything.

" See if you would wear less revealing clothes like I tell you, you wouldn't be as cold " Diego says and I roll my eyes," shut up Diego "

He chuckles and starts rubbing his hands up and down my thighs, " You know I love you right " Diego asks whispering and I nod, " I love you too"  I whisper back

" And you know that as long as I am here I won't EVER let them or anyone else hurt you, right" he whispers as I lay my head on his shoulder and nod

" We are going to get out of this, I promise " was the last thing I heard before sleep over came me

Hi, sorry I took so long to update, I've been dealing with some personal thing but I'm back now so be ready for more updates ❤️❤️ also happy Valentine's day everyone!!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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