chapter 12

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I wake this morning to my phone ringing, I try to turn over but I couldn't because Diego still had his arms around me

I try to push his arms from around me without waking him up but fail

" Noooo, don't leave " Diego whines pulling me closer to him and holding me tighter, I chuckle

" Diego I need to get my phone " I say and he loosens his grip around me and I get my arms free

I reach behind me and get my phone and Diego moves down to where his head was laying on my stomach

I check my phone and see I had 3 missed calls from Marc so I call him back

" Diego be quiet, I'm fixing to call Marc" I say and Diego hums in response and gets comfortable on my stomach

The call

" Why the hell didn't you answer the phone " Marc say once he answers the phone

" I'm sorry, I was asleep" I say

" Oh okay but I'm at the airport so can you come and get me " Marc says

" Your here " I say excitingly and sitting up

" Owww" Diego groans, I forgot he was laying on me

" What was that" Marc asks

" Oh uhhh... I just got a cramp " I say

" Oh okay well hurry and come and get me " he says

" Ight I'll be there in a minute " I say and he hums in response and I hang up

" Babe that hurt " Diego says sitting up and rubbing his neck

" I'm not your babe Diego, and also I'm sorry " I say getting up

" Where you going " Diego asks rubbing his eyes

" I gotta go get Marc, he's here " I say fixing myself in the mirror

" So I guess that means you are leaving me" Diego mumbles/sighs looking down

" No, I'm not gonna leave you. I promised I wasn't and I'm not. I'm still gonna be here just not here at FTB " I say walking over and standing infront of him.

He wraps his arms around my waist and lays back on the bed pulling me on top of him

" I love you so much baby girl" Diego says hugging me and burying his head in the crook of my neck

" Diego, you can't call me stuff like that" I chuckle

" I don't care" Diego says and I chuckle

" Okay let go so I can go get Marc" I say leaning up but stopped by Diego pulling me back down

" Fuck Marc, your mine " Diego says flipping us so he is on top of me

" Diego I have to go but I promise I will be back" I say

" When? Huh!? You said that last time and I didn't see you until a year later " Diego say getting mad, I sigh and look to the side so I wasn't looking at him

" Go! Go get your precious little bitch ass marc " Diego say getting off me and i can tell he is mad

" I'm sorry " I say in a low voice, I'm surprised if he even heard me

" Whatever, just go" Diego says walk over and looking out the window

I get up and put my shoes on and grab everything, the whole time Diego just stood there looking out the window

" Um I'll be back to get the rest later " I say and he just ignores me. I open the door and look back at Diego

" I still love you Diego even if I am with Marc. You will always have my heart " I say then walk out the room, I walk downstairs and see ona sitting on the couch with Des

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