chapter 16

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I wake up to Diego kissing me all over my face, I giggle wrapping my arms around his neck

" There is nothing better then waking up and seeing your face beside me " Diego says pecking my lips in between words, I smile and climb on top of him, sitting on his waist straddling him

" What are you doing " Diego laughs and I shrug

" I don't even know " I laugh and Diego sits up and I fall in his lap

" We gotta leave today, so we can get packed and everything for tour " Diego says and I nod

" Im already packed, all I gotta do is wash a few clothes " I say and he nods

" OMG " I yell and Diego looks at me confused

" Marc and Alex are gonna be on tour with us " I say starting to freak out, I can't deal with both of them, hell I can't even deal with Alex

" Hey, baby look at me " Diego says grabbing my chin and making me look at him. He kisses me, I calm down and kiss back

" Everything is gonna be fine okay? I'm gonna be there so I know for a fact Alex ain't gonna do shit and when I see Marc I'm beating his ass so you ain't gonna have to worry about him " Diego says and I nod

" Okay now go get ready so we can go" Diego says slapping my ass and I nod, I climb off his lap and go shower. Of course Diego joins me a few minutes later.

Nothing happened.... Or did it, just to be clear it did hehe

We get out the shower and I change into some of Diegos sweat pants and one of his hoodies that he ain't gonna get back.

The close was like 2 sizes to big but I didn't care, I was hella comfortable. Diego changes into the same thing and we go downstairs

" Ight mom we gotta get going " Diego says as we come down the stairs

" Nooooo your leaving me " Ainara whines running over to me and I pick her up

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

" We have to so we can get ready for tour " Diego says and I nod

" Noooo, Bre stay with me " she whines hugging me

My heart

" Hey what about me " Diego says sounding offended

" you get to see her more than me so be quiet " Ainara says, I laugh and Diego looks shocked at what she just said

Where did she learn to talk like that

" Ainara " Ann shouts sounding shocked

" Oh yeah we gotta go, your starting to sound just like Bre " Diego says laughing

" shut up " me and Ainara say at the same time

OMG I have a mini me

" Hey at least with y'all gone, I will be able to sleep without hearing y'all. Yeah I heard y'all last night and this morning " ann says giving us death glares

" I told her to be quiet" Diego says and I slap his arm

" I'm sorry mrs. Martir " I say and she chuckles

" It's fine, and please call me Ann " she says and I nod.

" Okay mom we really have to get going" Diego says and she nods, we say goodbye to everyone and the whole time I was holding Ainara because she didn't want to let go

" Ainara, baby you have to let her go " ann says and Ainara shakes her head no and hugs me tighter

Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry

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