chapter 15

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I wake up this morning beside Marc, just kidding I was beside Diego. He was still asleep, he looked so cute. I start to play with his hair and admire how handsome he is.

After about 3 minutes of me looking at him, I started looking for my phone, damnit it's downstairs. I whine and look back at Diego because I'm to lazy to get up and go get it.

" What's wrong baby " Diego asks in his morning voice

Oooo chile, he sounded so fucking hot like fu- let me stop

" My phone is downstairs and Im to lazy to get up " I whine and Diego chuckles

" I'll go get your phone but first, Good morning beautiful " Diego says before kissing me

" Good morning and you dont have to " I say pulling away from the kiss

" I gotta get my phone anyway " Diego says getting up and I nod. Diego leaves and I sit up.

Well let's get ready for all the hate that I am about to reserve.

I stand up and- holy shit ow, my legs are so soar. I know y'all are probably like " gurl it doesn't hurt that bad" but like bitch it does!!

I try to ignore the soreness and walk to the bathroom, I do my business and everything. I go back to Diego's room and he's laying on the bed on his phones

" How bad is it " I ask walking over to him

" Surprisingly not bad, a little but of hate but not much " Diego says and I nod, I grab my phone and see I have 3 missed calls from Marc and 5 messages

The messages

Marc - wow some girlfriend you are

Marc - love that you CHEATED on me infront of your live

Marc - whenever you get done fucking Diego, come get your shit, ITS OVER

Marc - I should have know you was just gonna cheat on me, nasty slut

Marc - I wish I never dated you, you ugly, fat, nasty fishy smellen ass bitch

End message

I can't believe Marc just called me those things

I cover my face with my hands and started crying, I could careless that he broke up with me but why did he call me those things

" Baby what's wrong " Diego asks wrapping his arms around me hugging me and I cry into his chest

I give Diego my phone s he could read the messages, I could tell Diego was getting mad

" Baby look at me " Diego says pulling away from the hug, and cupping my face in his hands making me look at him

" Don't believe shit he just told you, you are none of those things well actually you can be a bitch sometimes" Diego says and I chuckle

I can be a bitch sometimes

" But everything else he said about you is not true. He's just mad that he can't have you. " Diego says pulling me into his lap so I was straddling him

" Now kiss me and forget about him, also I will be beating his ass for what he just said I don't care  " Diego says, I nod and kiss him

There no use in trying to talk him out of it because he's not gonna change his mind

I pull away from the kiss and hug him

" I love you " I say nuzzling my head into his neck

" I love you too mamas " Diego says hugging me tighter, we hug for a few minutes until Ainara comes into the room.

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