chapter 25

173 4 8


" Marry me, Breanna" he asks sounding serious

He has lost his mind

End recap

Breanna? He never calls me Breanna unless he's talking about something serious/important

" You better not be messing with me Diego " I say in a warning tone

If he thinks this is funny, it's not because he knows I want to spend the rest of my life with him

" I'm not, I'm being dead ass serious, I know we're still young and everything but I know deep down that your the one I want to wake up too every morning. I want you to be my wife and the mother of my kids, when we have them. I know this probably isn't how you wanted to be asked but I just love you so fucking much and I don't wanna live without you by my side" Diego says and I start tearing up

" So I ask you again, will you marry me" Diego asks grabbing my waist and sounding a little more nervous

I nod as a tear runs down my cheek, " yes" I say, Diego smiles and kisses me. He pulls me closer him by my waist and deepens the kiss

Is this really happening? Did Diego really just ask me to marry him?

After about 20 second we pull away from the kiss," First get me to a hospital" I chuckle as I wipe the tears off my cheeks, Diego chuckles and we start walking towards the gas station again, it took us about 10 minutes to get there.

When we walk in Diego helps me over to a booth that's by a window then goes over to the cashier. After a few minutes he comes over to me and a few cop cars pull up.

We told them what happened and they asked us a few more questions then they called a ambulance. The police wanted me and Diego both to get looked at.

Once the ambulance arrive they start checking me and Diego's blood pressure and all that stuff.

" Oww fuck " I yell as the dispatcher lady touched my ankle

" Is it broken " I ask," no, it's just sprained, we'll wrap it" she says and I nod

" is there anyone y'all want us to call " an officer asks as he walks over, I look at Diego and he shrugs

" I guess we could call tony " I say and Diego nods, " holy shit, mother of fuck fucker" I yell as a sharp pain shoots through my ankle, the women was wrapping the ace bandage around it

" sorry, I'm done now " she says as she stands up," See if you can put any pressure on it now " the lady asks, I nod and stand up. I go to stand on it but it hurt to bad, " I can't " I say and she nods

" try to put more pressure on it each day" she says and I nod

I look over at Diego and see some blond bimbo talkings to him and he's ignoring her, I laugh and Diego has this help me look on his face and I just continue to laugh, he smirks and starts talking to the girl

" Diego Martir you have 5 second to get your ass over here, 5,4-", " noooo, baby stop counting" Diego whines as he runs over to me

" hey I didn't get your number" the blond bimbo asks as she walks over to Diego

I know this bitch did not just bring her ass over here

" and your not going to " I say crossing my arms over my chest, she looks at me up and down with a disgusted look on her face

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