chapter 7

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I wake up this morning and Diego was still asleep so I just got on my phone. I went on tiktok because it's been a while since I have been on there

I look through my fyp for a while til I run upon a video of someone doing a dance called the WAP

It looked kinda interesting to do so I slowly got out of bed so I didn't wake up Diego.

I propped my phone up and done the dance

This is the dance if you didn't know.

I was tired after doing that dance and I didn't think my ass could move like that but it did

" Your not posting that " I look and see Diego sitting up in the bed

" Why? Was it bad " I ask and he shakes his head no

" Why don't you do that dance again but just for me this time " he says leaning back and getting comfortable

I laugh and post the video " by accident"

" I'm hungry " I say walking to the bedroom door and open it.

I walk downstairs with Diego behind me, when we get downstairs I see Carlos and Des.

" Bre " she squeals getting up and running over to me hugging me and I hug back

" Damn you ain't been here a week yet and y'all are already dating " Carlos says laughing

" We aren't dating yet we're... Talking?" I ask looking at Diego because i honestly don't know what we are

Diego nods and walk over to the couch

" Bre, girl I didn't know you could move like this " Des says showing me her phone, it was me doing the wap dance

I get my phone out and go through some of the comments


" WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" supporter

" Omg she's is in Diego's room" supporter

" Okay go off" supporter

I look through some more comments and reply to some, I also follow back some people

" Hey babe, me and Chris have to go somewhere are you gonna be okay alone for a few hours " Diego says wrapping his arms around my waist

" Uhh is al- " I can't even say his name without wanting to cry

" Is you know, suppose to come over " I ask

" Nope, nobody is coming over today" he says shaking his head

" Uhh then I guess I'll be okay" I say sounding kinda unsure

" I wont be gone long, maybe 2 hours or less " he says and I nod, he kisses my cheek then heads upstairs.

When Diego's not around I kinda feel nervous because if something happens I have no one to run to and protect me. I just feel alot more comfortable when Diego's around.

I sit on the couch and Isaak sits beside me

" So you and Diego dating " he asks looking at Chris then at me

" Not yet... We're talking " I say kinda smiling and he nods

There was a knock on the door, I look around and no one seemed to care, so I got up and answered the door.

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