chapter 10

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Diego pov after Bre left

What have I done!?! I just lost the love of my life forever!!! This is all my fault, why did I have to sleep with all them girls!??

" This is all your fault!! Bre would still be here right know if you could just keep it in your pants " Des cries pushing me

" And you, you little bitch, you knew him and Bre was together but yet you still slept with him!! For what reason, huh!? I mean he doesn't want you, he was just gonna fuck you and leave you!!" Des yells at the girl I slept with, to be honest I forgot what her name was

" Carlos take des inside so she can cool off" Issac says and Carlos nods, him and Des go in the house, then ona pulls up.

She sits in the car a few minutes with her hands over her face, crying. Brandon goes over and checks on her.

She hugs him and wiped her face and they walk over to us, she looks at me and I just look down

Because of me, ona, Des and Madi lost there bestfriend. Ona practically lost her sister because of how close her and Bre is.

" Ona I'm so-" I start but she cuts me off

" No, I don't wanna here it Diego. " Ona says and I nod

" Come on baby, let's go in the house " the girl says, you know I'm just gonna call her mary

" Why the fuck is she still here" ona says looking at mary with a death glare

" Ona i-" I start but she cuts me

" No this bitch should not be here! Leave now " ona says looking at me then mary

" Fine come on Diego let's go to my house " Mary says grabbing my hand, I nod and look back at ona, she looks at me with disappointment

" The girl that you say your in love with just left and your really fixing to go to this bitches house. Wow Diego,did you even love Bre at all " ona yells at me then walks off in the house

She's right, the love of my life left and I'm going to go to another girl's house

" Don't listen to her babe let's just go " Mary says and I nod. We get in my car and drive to her house, needless to says you all know what probably happened.

Bre pov , the next day

It feels like I have been on this plane forever and my back is starting to hurt.

Skip the plan ride

I texted my mom that I was about to get off the plane and she said she was already here.

I get off the plane and get my stuff, I walk outside and see my mom leaned up against the side of her car.

I drop my bags and run over and hug her. She hugs back and we was both crying, I hadn't seen my mom since I was 15 and I'm 18 now.

" I missed you so much momma" I say crying into her shoulder

" I missed you too baby " she says crying, after a few minute we pull away from the hug and wipe our eyes

"Aww look at you, your so beautiful" she says grabbing my hands and I chuckle

" Okay grabs your bags so we can go home " she says and I nod, I get my bags and put them in the trunk.

I get in and text ona that I made it because I know she is probably worrying

The messages

Me - hey, I made it off the plan

Ona - okay tell mom I said hey

We call each other's mom " mom"

Me - k

Ona - I'm fixing to beat the shit out of Diego and his little bitch

Me - go for it

Ona - k

End message

" Ona says hey " I say and turn my phone off

" Can I ask you something " my mom asks and I hum in response

" What happened between you and Diego " she asks cautiously, my eyes start to tear up and I look down and start fiddling with my fingers

I told my mother everything starting with the first time he ever cheated on me and what all happened with Alex, just everything

"Honey your doing the right thing? If he really loves you he wouldn't have cheated on you all them times. But then again he could love you more than anything but also cheat on you for no reason. " She says and I just nod and wipe my eyes because we all know I was crying

We get home and I carry my stuff up to my room, I set my suitcase by the closet because I'm to lazy to unpack right now.

I go lay on my bed and go on my phone, I go on insta first and like some edits and follow some people 

I saw Diego was live so I joined just to see he was doing

" But yeah Bre was only using me for clout, that's why I stopped going back to her. She also cheated on my way more times than I can count but she always blamed it on me nuts it's whatever, I don't care " Diego says

This bitch

" But yeah I'm fixing to get off here, so bye guys " Diego says then ends the live

I decided to go live then

The live

" Wassup guys " I smile

" Clout chaser " hater

" Did you see Diegos live " support

" Yeah I saw it and that's why I wanted to go live so I could clear things up " I say

" Don't listen to Diego he is just mad you left " real. Ona

" Nah let him stay mad, it's his fault I left" I say back

Itspayton, Carlos mena and 3224 others has joined the live

" Make sure y'all get Diego on this live" I say

I can't believe him

" What do you want " Diegomartir

" Ok now that your here let me clear this shit up. First, I am NOT a clout chaser, I NEVER used Diego for clout or anyone for that matter.  I even told Diego that I would delete all my socials if he ever thought I was using him for clout. Secondly, I NEVER cheated on Diego, he was the one that would always cheat on me. If you don't believe me ask anyone that was on tour with us." I shout, I also started crying when I got to the second part.

" If y'all thought she was a clout chaser y'all some dumbasses" supporter

" Since when is loving someone clout chasing " support

" Im wondering the same thing" I say wiping my eyes but that didn't help because more tears just came down

" Don't cry bestie" real. Ona

" Why? What was the reason for you to go live and talk shit about me, Diego " I say

" The people needed to know the truth" Diegomartir

" That wasn't the truth, everything that's you said I didn't is really what you did" I say

" I didn't use you for clout" Diegomartir

" Neither did I, I actually loved you. Oh little fun fact, me and Diego was together before either one of use got popular. Guess what I loved you then and for some god damn reason I still love you now, even after all the shit you have done to me and just said about me. " I say

" I'm sorry " Diegomartir

" Here we go again " real. Ona

" No, I'm done. Yes I still love you Diego but fuck you and your sorry's " I say then end the live

I lay back on my bed and start sobbing, I'm states away from him and he is still hurting me.

Why do I have to love him!?

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