chapter 9

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I wake up this morning and Diego wasn't beside me, I got up and went downstairs and still no sign of him. I checked my phone and I had no messages or calls from him.

" Hey ona have you heard from Diego" I ask going into the kitchen

" No, not since yesterday. Why? " She asks

" Because he said he was gonna come back last night but he hasn't showed up or anything, he hasn't even texted me. " I say and she looks worried

" You don't think Alex would take him do you? " She asks

" Hell no Alex is scared shitless of Diego, he only acts tough towards Diego" I say

" What if he had someone else take him" ona asks

" Clubhouse now " I says putting my jacket and slides on and ona does the same

" Brandon let's go " I yell and he comes  walking down the stairs he looks like he just woke up

" Wha-" I cut him off

" Don't ask questions just get in the damn car " I say opening the front door and he nods.

We get in the car, ona driving, I'm in the passenger seat and Brandons in the back

" Cant believe I'm sitting the the back of my own car" Brandon pouts

" Try calling Diego " I tell him and I'm going through all my social seeing if he has posted or anything

" He didn't answer" Brandon says and I start to get more worried

I try calling him and he also didn't answer, I swear to God I will fucking kill Alex myself if he has Diego

" Were here " ona says and we all get out and run up to the door. I knocked and madi opened the door

" Oh hey" she says

" Is Diego here " I ask and she shrugs

" I don't know, I just got here" she says letting us in

" Oh okay well can I go check and see " I ask and she nods

I run upstairs to Diego's room and open the door to see Diego and the girl from yesterday a sleep

" WOW DIEGO JUST WOW" I yell and they both wake up

" God damn bitch shut the fuck up " the girl says sitting up and throwing a pillow at me.

Hold up this bitch naked

" YEAH DIEGO SHES JUST A FRIEND" I yell and slam the door.

" BRE, BABY WAIT" I hear Diego yell, I run downstairs balling my eyes out and ona runs up to me

" What's wrong" ona asks

" HES IN THERE WITH THAT BITCH FROM YESTERDAY" I yell sobbing and ona hugs me

" So that's what I heard last night " Issac says

" Bre it's not what it looks like " Diego yells running down the stairs.

" Oh really Diego, because it looks like you and her slept together " I says

" No, no that's not what happened " he says

" Diego the bitch is naked and your covered in hickeys " I shout at him

" Baby just-" I cut him off

" No, I am not your baby " I say

" Just let me explain" he says trying to grab my waist but I push him away from me

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