chapter 24

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" Bre... Baby wake up " I heard Diego whisper as he shook me, I sit up and rub my eyes

" I had the worst dream that we got-" I was cut off by Diego quickly covering my mouth with his hand

" We have been out here all night and haven't seen them, there gone john" I heard a male voice says

Omg it wasn't a dream, this shit is actually happening

" Come on, I'm tired " another male voice said, I heard an annoyed groan before there was 3 gun shots.

I jumped and looked at Diego with tears in my eyes, he still had his hand over my mouth. Good thing that he did because I yelped when the first gun shot fired

" You fucking shot him, what the fuck john " a another guy yells

" We was gonna kill him anyways " another male voice said, we heard the men start to walk over.

Diego uncovered my mouth and slowly walked over to the window, checking to see if there gone

" There gone" he whispers and I nod, he walks over to the door and was about to open it but I grab his arm

" Diego.... I'm scared, what if they find us or we get separated or-" I get cut off by Diego kissing me, I automatically kiss back and felt my worries and fears slowly drifting away

After about 10 second he pulls away and lays his forehead on mine, " dont be scared okay? Were not gonna get separated, we both promised we wouldn't leave each other ever again." He whispers as he looks deeply into my eyes, " so your stuck with me now ", he says causing me to chuckle

I hug him and he hugs back, " I love you, so much Diego " ," I love you more"

After a few minutes we pull away from the hug and Diego grabs my hand, he open the door, " I'll go down first " he says and I nod.

Diego climbs down and as I was about to climb down, I looked down, we are really really high up.

My fears of heights kick in and I start freaking out and it got hard to breathe, I was frozen, I was to scared to move.

" Di-diego, i-i-i-i can't d-do this " I say starting to hyperventilate

" Yes you can, oh fuck " Diego says and I look at him to see why he said oh fuck, I looked in the direction he was looking and saw the guys coming

" Bre, jump, I promise I will catch you " Diego says and I started to get more scared because the guys was getting closer

" Bre, look at me , you have to jump, I promise I will catch you " he says calming, on the inside I know he's probably flipping out

I'm literally 20 feet up in the air, how the fuck is he gonna catch me

" Trust me Bre " he says, I close my eyes and let go of the lader. A few seconds later I felt something hard hit my back

I swear this mother fucker better not have dropped me

I open my eyes and was meet with Diegos, " see, I told you I would catch you " he says as he quickly puts me down and grabs my hand before we took of running

" Come on, run faster " Diego yells at me making me want to slap him

I could hear the guys running behind us, I look back and see there a few yards away, I push myself to run fast and fast.

After a few minutes I look behind us again and don't see them, I turn around and that when my face is met with the dirt

I scream and grab my ankle, I stepped in a whole and fell. Diego quickly runs over to me, " come on we gotta keep going " he says

" I can't you asshole, I just broke my fucking ankle " I yell at him in anger and pain

" okay, I'll carry you " he says, " Diego you can't carry me, they'll catch us. Go, just leave me, save yourself " I yell as I hold my ankle tighter

" What the fuck!? Hell no, I'm not gonna leave you, I never have and I never will!!! Now come on " he yells at me as he helps me up.

He stands in front of me with his back facing me, I put my hands on his shoulders and use my good foot to jump up on his back

He cuts out running and my ankle was hurting so bad, I bit my bottom lip to keep from yelling in pain.

He kept running for what felt like house, I knew he was tired because he was starting to slow down or maybe it was because we was about to run into a fence

He stops right infront of the fences and sets me down gently, I hold his shoulder to keep my balance.

" What now " I ask, " we have to climb over " he says breathless

" What's that noise " he asks as he looks around, " I don't hear anything " I say, " how am I suppose to get over the fence " I ask

" Uhh, I don't know " he says nervously, I hear something that sounds like-

" Oh shit, we gotta go, climb" Diego yells as he lifts me up and literally tosses me over the fence, I landed face down in the dirt.

A few seconds later, Diego helps me off the ground and I see the men was on dirt bikes chasing after us, I quickly jump on Diego's back and he starts running again.

We was, well Diego was running down an aley way, why is there an aley behind the woods?

After about 15 or 20 minutes Diego stops and puts me down, " where are we " I ask and he shrugs

" I think we lost them " Diego says and I nod, " let's just find a hospital or a phone " I say and he nods

He picks me up again but this time he's holding me in front of him," I'm sorry for yelling at you and calling you an asshole earlier, I know you was just trying to get us out of there " I say as he starts walking

" Its okay " he says, I kiss him and he kisses back, " you can put me down if you want " I say knowing he's tired, " oh thank God, your heavy as fuck " he says as he puts me down,  I slap his arm and push him away from me

" I'm just joking babe " he chuckles as he wraps his arm around my waist to keep me from falling.

We walk down the alley for what felt like hours until we saw a little gas station a few yards away.

"Let's get married " Diego asks out of nowhere

" What?" I ask thinking I heard him wrong, he stops walking and turns to look at me

" Marry me, Breanna" he asks sounding serious

He has lost his mind

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