Jealously- Luke and Reader

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For as long as you can remember, Luke Patterson was your best friend. There was many of times where you guys had slumber parties, or long nights of partying that ended in fits of laughter. Luke had always been your number one, the one you always turned to with your problems. But that all changed when Julie Molina rolled into your lives.

Being the stage manager for Sunset Curve, you and Luke shared a unique bond even further than the title of best friends. You knew what he needed in certain songs, that he needed exactly four extra guitar picks on his microphone stand, even that he wore a lucky tie around his left arm for each performance.

Julie didn't know any of that- but she did know that she liked Luke's attention and the music he was writing. Your music journal was beginning to collect dust. As the song writing sessions turned from your and Luke's time to write into his and Julie's.

You were slowly being pushed to the sidelines and so was your music. You were losing your best friend to her. Instead of keeping to yourself, you turned to the one person who listened most... Reggie Peters.

"God Reg- is he blind? He's losing his best friend and he doesn't even realize it. Luke is so focused on that... that... ugh her. I thought our music meant something... I thought I meant something." you said, pacing in Julie's kitchen as she worked on yet another song with Luke.

You roughly raked your hand through your tangled hair as your pacing continued, the sole of your shoes making contact with the hardwood. You were sure your walking pattern would be worn into the floor permanently.

"Okay- you need to stop pacing... you are making me dizzy darling." Reggie said, rubbing his eyes as he watched you spin towards him.

A small chuckle escaped as he sat down at the island, waiting for you to talk more.

"I just... we have been best friends since we were 7, and now I am a shadow in his past. She took the forefront of his attention and now- God Reg, what do I do?" you said, leaning against the island.

Your mind was swarming with questions, but you had no real answers as to why Luke could forget you so easily. The amount of stress caused by this situation had sent your anxiety into high gear, your manicured nails had turned into nubs and scars littered your arms due to excessive scratching and picking. Your small, perfect world was beginning to crash in on all sides... all because you were losing your best friend, you were losing Luke.

You tucked your hair behind your ear as you looked up at Reggie, he was just staring right back at you. A clear look of concentration crossing his normally confused features.

Confusion crossed your own features as you asked, "What? Is there something on my face?"

You gently brushed both of your cheeks as he gently chuckled at you, the one thing about Reggie was he made you feel better no matter how much Luke was getting under your skin.

"No, you dork... I was trying to picture how Luke can blow you off. Clearly you are the better choice here." He said, making a vibrant blush cross your features.

"Flattery will get you nowhere Mr. Peters..." you joked, as laughter fell from your lips, only making Reggie join in with you.

Laughter boomed through the kitchen which only drew in Luke and Julie's attention. They came in the back door, with confusion written all over their own faces.

"What the hell is going on here?" Luke's voice boomed, as you wiped the laughter induced tears from your eyes. The laughter continued to spill from your lips as you tried catching your breath.

You opened your mouth to speak, only to be cut off by Reggie, "We were waiting for you two... clearly you needed to have a little love song fest. So, are you ready for rehearsal now?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2021 ⏰

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