Size Beautiful - Luke

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A/N: The song the reader is writing is Perfect Harmony from the show. The reader is also plus sized, which is why the title is size beautiful.

Playing the Orpheum was always Luke's biggest dream, and that was taken away from him. He never got to have a family, or make up with his parents, it was like everything he had going for him was pulled from his grasp. Until he met you and Julie.

The band randomly came flying from the sky while we were cleaning out her mom's studio. Mrs. Molina was one of the influential people not only in Julie's life but in yours. She welcomed you with open arms when you parents died. Introducing you to music and playing on your strengths. In her words," Y/N, you could sell out stadiums one day"

But the moment she was ripped from Julie's life as well as yours, the music seemed to stop. You could not formulate new lyrics or even a melody. These boys who fell from the world beyond gave you something special, they brought music back to you in small portions. Even finishing the old songs, you had begun to write with Mrs. Molina.

Now here you were, sat at the piano in the studio. Trying to find the right melody for your song but could not find the right tune. You slammed your hand on the piano, clearly flustered.

"You need some help y/n?" Luke said from across the studio as he was strumming his acoustic lightly. You just smiled at him before starting your complaint,

"Luke, I am stuck. Like super stuck, and I do not know what to do. I want this song to be perfect. It is about someone so special to me." Continuing to slam your hands on the piano, thanking the gods it was just Luke and you. This song was for Luke and you were so stuck, you didn't know what to do anymore. You had feelings for someone, but he was never going to feel the same.

He placed his guitar down next to his couch, taking my journal in hand. Re-reading the lyrics you have written a million times, clearly stuck on what melody it should go to.

"Can I?" he asked before sitting at the piano next to me, placing the journal in his view so he could help.

You could not help but nod, making room for him to explore the keys. No sooner did he sit down; did he already have a melody in mind. You swear his mind only holds music and nothing else. It was like the whole band only had one braincell, that switched between them on a given day.

You watched as his fingers bounced around on the keys, before settling on the melody. He began singing the beginning lyrics,

Step into my world

Bittersweet love story 'bout a girl

Shook me to the core

Voice like an angel

I've never heard before

"Is that what you wanted it to be? Or is it a different melody?" He said, catching your gaze. You snapped out of the daze you were in. My mouth felt dry, as you found your words, "Luke it's incredible. I don't know how you knew what I was looking for, but it is perfect."

He smiled gently at you, making your blush crawl up your neck to your cheeks. You wrote down what he was playing so you could remember it for future reference. He began singing the first verse again, and soon you joined in on the second verse,

Here in front of me

They're shining so much brighter

Than I have ever seen

Life can be so mean

But when he goes on, I know he doesn't leave

As you sang through the entire song, you just gazed more and more at Luke. It was like you were singing your heart out to him in that moment, but he had no idea.

The final notes were played, you were so in love with how the song had come together. Luke wiped his hands on his pants as if he were nervous.

"Luke- it is beautiful, I could not be more thankful for your help" you said, placing a hand next to him at the piano. You were unsure if you would be able touch him or go through him. He took the next step, placing his hand on yours.

But his hand did not go through instead it stayed planted on top of yours, drawing a gasp from your lips. You were stunned that you could feel him, knowing good and well that Julie goes right through him. You could see him leaning closer to you, so you leaned back.

"Luke, I'm not worth it. I'm fat, and ugly, and just not for you. You don't want to be with me, you deserve someone like Julie. She's the full package. Not me, I-I-I- I'm just not worth it" You stuttered, more than anything you wanted to be his. But you were not his vision of beautiful. You weren't even that confident in yourself to tell him your feelings.

"Oh y/n, be quiet. You are so stunning, please don't run away from me. We both know that song is about me. Please don't hide from me, I spent 25 years alone and afraid of never finding love and then I met you." He pleaded, as tears pricked his eyes.

This was your moment, and you could not be more grateful, you feared being hurt. Every guy you had ever met always ran away when things got serious.

"Luke-" you started, but he continued to lean into you. Placing his calloused hand on her cheek, bringing your eyes to his as he got closer.

You just leaned into his hand more, as he brought his lips to yours. You felt a spark as his lips grazed yours softly, as he was trying to be a gentle as possible. You put your hand in his arm, pulling him closer to you.

You were so caught up in yourselves, that you missed Julie and the boys coming in. Julie just smiled, knowing that it was going to happen in time. The boys on the other hand seemed quite shocked, as Luke was never serious about anyone until you.

"AH FINALLY" Reggie said nice and loud, but Alex hit him in the stomach swiftly for interrupting you guys.

You pulled away, hiding your face in Luke's shoulder as he placed his arm around your shoulder. He just placed a swift kiss to your temple.

This was the first time in a long time, that you felt safe again.

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