The Music In Me- Alive Luke x Reader

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Since the moment Luke Patterson walked into your life, the music had been flowing out of you. He brought out the best in you, and you helped inspire him more. You continued to write songs together, but also apart. He was the inspiration that kept you grounded, and you could not be more grateful for the life we are sharing.

You were making your way back to Julie's garage, knowing you could find Luke there. You stopped at the door when you heard him playing his guitar, scribbling in his book. He began signing, so you just stayed outside not to disturb his creative process,

In times that I doubted myself

I felt like I needed some help

Stuck in my head with nothing left

And when I feel lost and alone

I know that I can make it home

Fight through the dark and find the spark

He stopped playing again and began writing. In that moment, you rounded the corner of the garage, interrupting his thoughts "Hey, that sounded pretty great. What is it called?"

He looked like a deer in headlights as he caught your gaze, "Nothing my brightest star, just something new. It isn't finished yet"

Placing his guitar next to him, pulling you into his lap. He pulled you with so much force, you hit his chest super hard earning groans from the both of you. You sat up quickly, avoiding his gaze as he stared at your pink cheeks. He opened his mouth to say something when Reggie and Alex came in to work on Stand Tall.

You quickly hopped off Luke the moment they rounded the corner, earning another groan from him. You just shot him a warning glance as you made you way to the piano to work on your music while they were rehearsing.

Settling back into the lyrics of your unfinished song about Luke, scribbling out certain parts until the missing piece fell into place,

You set me free

You and me together is more than chemistry

Love me as I am

I'll hold your music here inside my hands

We say we're friends, we play pretend

You're more to me, we're everything

It was the story of you and Luke, how things just felt right and finally fell into place when you were with him. He was everything to you, no one else could fall into the same category with him. He was just always out of your grasp between the band and other girls, you knew you would never be his ideal.

You looked over the piano, seeing Luke showing Reggie he could have chemistry with anyone. All it did was make you flustered, you wished he would be that physical with you. Hell, he could hit you with his guitar and you would find it the sexiest thing ever.

He caught your gaze as you watched him press a kiss to him fingers and then to Reggie's lips. I don't think I have ever seen Reggie so speechless in my life,

"So, uh girls? Yeah." He stuttered, pink cheeked

Alex put out a flat no to that question, while Luke answered yes. They turned to me, waiting for my opinion and you thought about it and finally answered, "Oh sorry, uh ya no. I am hardcore into dudes"

Luke just laughed at your answer, sending a wink in your direction as his teeth sunk into his bottom lip. The blush creeped onto your face and you focused your attention back to your lyrics and the piano before you. Playing the tune as you lightly sung along, making sure everything flowed perfectly.

Unbeknownst to you, the guys had stopped playing and had redirected their focus onto you and your song. You finished playing, scribbling a few notes next to your lyrics. Finally looking up, you felt like a deer in headlights with all eyes on you, hesitantly you asked "Uh- can I help you?"

"Ya... that was- wow that was incredible. Is the song for someone?" Luke asked, making his way over the piano to read the lyrics. You quickly closed your journal, placing a fake smile on your face. You were completely embarrassed; you didn't want him to know it was for him because it seemed creepy to write this love song about your best friend.

You have always been attached at the hips for as long as you could remember. He stayed at your house, more so in your room after the blowout with his parents. He was there for months before you convinced him to put his feelings into his lyrics, he needed to talk to his parents, but he didn't know what to say. They didn't want their 17-year-old in a rock band, but it was his calling in life.

He sucked his lip back in between his teeth, trying to find a way to ease the awkwardness in the room.

"Well this is extra awkward..." Reggie said, as Alex grabbed him by his ear, dragging him out of the garage. You turned your attention back to Luke, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it weird. I-I I'm just not ready to share it yet, especially with the person it's meant for"

"I understand y/n, it just was really good. Whoever it is for is really lucky to have someone like you in their corner." He stated as he began unplugging his amp, switching to his acoustic guitar.

"Thanks Luke, what about you? I mean you seem to be writing a song for someone special, I have never seen you so protective of a song in my life" you said, joining him on the couch, as he continued strumming his guitar, giving you a small smile.

"How about if I tell you, you tell me about yours. That way everything is out in the open, just like old times" He said as he placed his guitar down, sticking his pinky out. Pinky promises had always been your thing since you were children. It meant there was a trust between you that wouldn't be broken. You liked your pinky with his, "but you have to go first Luke"

He sighed; he didn't want to tell you how he was feeling. He was your oldest friend, what if he messed everything up? What if you didn't feel the same way for him? He had a million things running through his mind but decided to just go for it.

"It's called Bright, and it's about this girl I really like. She's my everything and I couldn't be more grateful for her." He started, and of course you couldn't keep your mouth shut as you blurted out, "JULIE?!?!"

He looked at you like you were an idiot, "No stupid, it's about you. You are the music in me, you always have been. I have liked you for so long and I am terrified to be telling you this right now. But I can't contain how I am feeling and you are writing a song about another guy and I am upset and ya, my song is about you because I am falling in love with you"

You were shocked, and he just looked at you expectantly, waiting for you to spill about your song, "Well it's a good thing my song isn't about some random guy, it's about you Luke. It has always been you"

You couldn't finish talking as Luke jumped on you, pulling you tightly in for a hug. He pulled back gazing upon your face, until he decided to just place a kiss gingerly upon your lips. You pulled him closer, taking in every inch of this moment.

Pulling back, you gazed into his eyes, "Luke, you are the music in me too"

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