Sickness- Platonic Julie and Luke

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Living with the boys was something Julie didn't see coming, but then again, she never thought she would have such support in her life. When her mom died, the life as she knew it was gone too- the music, the happiness, it all ended. Until the boys of Sunset Curve walked into her world- it became a newfound light.

The music was flowing out of her- it was something she lost, and thought would never return. They brought that back to her and when they asked if she move in her freshman year of college, how could she say no?

But little did she know what she was getting herself into- plenty of fights between the boys about food and the worse of all, when one got sick, they all got sick at some point.

This time it was a bout of the flu going around the apartment and everyone had been sick but Luke- until this morning when he woke up with a fever and an upset stomach, making the toilet his new best friend.

Julie just happened to be walking by the bathroom- seeing Luke curled by the toilet, half asleep. She couldn't help but giggle under her breath, knowing good and well this was her only a few days prior.

She walked in, bending down to Luke's level and began softly shaking him. His head gently raised from the cold tile- making eye contact with Jules.

"Flu?" She asked, as he quickly got up to lean over the toilet. As he emptied the rest of his stomach contents- she couldn't help but rub his back. It was a simple gesture he did for days when she was deathly sick, thanks to Alex.

He washed out his mouth, before shooting her a side eye. "What do you think?"

She just laughed at his miserableness before helping him up off the floor, "I think you should crawl in bed, maybe take a nap grouchy." She stated sarcastically as she led him to his shared room with Alex.

He just mocked her as he crawled into his bed, the cold sheets feeling good against his hot skin. He just settled into the soft, cold pillows barely listening to what Julie was saying to him.

"Okay- I'm going to make you some soup and then you should try and rest" She said, hitting the lights in his room as she made her way to the small kitchen.

Julie pulled a small can of chicken noodle out of the cabinet- knowing Luke would complain because he hates soup more than he hates Bobby.

Alex chucked at her, "Is he finally sick too?"

She sighed before giving him the side eye, "Of course he is, and you know he wants to be treated like a baby. So, soup and rest are all I can do for him today"

Alex couldn't help but laugh harder at her comment, everyone knew how much of a baby Luke became when he was sick- Hell he could have the sniffles and he would be bed bound. He just liked the attention from everyone.

Julie couldn't help but shake her head- he was a great friend and he definitely took great care of her when she was sick. But being a college student, she didn't have the time to just sit around and rub his back all day.

As the microwave beeped, she was drawn from her thoughts. She took out his soup and grabbed some crackers out of the cabinet. She just hummed to herself as she made her way back to Luke's room. He was propped up on his pillows, flicking through the channels before finding a mindless movie to watch.

"Oh, thanks Jules. I really appreciate it" He said, taking the hot soup in his hands, crumbling some crackers into the mix. She could see the chills shaking his body as he sipped on the soup.

"Of course, how are you feeling? Still nauseous?" She said, sitting on the side of his bed, placing a hand to his forehead. His fever was still apparent, she knew it would be a couple of days before he was back to being her fun-loving best friend.

"Yeah, I'm okay... You know Alex and his germs. We always get them at some point"

He said as he shot her this dopey smile; she knew that he was going to be better in no time. He was Luke and he was going to come out of the other side okay, cause that was Luke.

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