Migraine- Charlie x Madison Platonic

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REQUESTED: Charlie Madison platonic- Madison gets bad migraines that makes her get sick and she gets one night and Charlie takes care of her, hold her hair back, lays with her and comforts her please like a big brother would.

Another day, another migraine. Madison was starting to get another killer migraine and of course it was the kind that made her sick to her stomach. She carefully looked across the table to Charlie and Owen, they seemed to be having a wonderful evening and here she was about to ruin it. They had all planned a night in, full of junk food and movies. But she knew that she needed to lay down and try to relax.

"Hey guys, I am really sorry. But I am starting to get a migraine, so I should probably lie down" She said, pushing herself of the couch but Charlie caught her hand. It was almost as if he was trying to read her face, he knew how bad these impacted her.

"Okay Mads, I'll walk Owen out then I can make you some tea. Just go lay down" Charlie said to her as she stumbled down the hallway. He just chuckled under his breath at her stumbles.

"Is she going to be okay?" Owen asked, as he grabbed his jacket from the counter. Charlie just nodded at him, "She actually gets them a lot, I usually just lay with her and talk to her softly. She usually falls asleep, but I know she likes the comfort"

Owen just sighed; he knew how bad migraines could get but he never realized how bad it affected Mads. He bid Charlie a goodnight and made his way home.

Charlie carefully shut the door; he didn't want the noise to affect Madison anymore. He made his way to the kitchen to whip up some tea and grab some chocolate from the cabinets. As soon as the tea was done, he made his way down the hallway to Madison's dark room.

He could barely see her small figure cuddled up in the pillows and multiple blankets. He could see the reflection of the television off her glasses as she shifted beneath the covers. She smiled as she saw Charlie standing in the doorway.

"Hey, you, tea and chocolate?" She said, propping herself up on her pillows. He made his way over to her slowly, handing her the tea.

"You know, only the best for Miss. Madison" He teased as he sat on the bed with her, occasionally stealing a piece of chocolate from her.

"No, no, no Charles. It is my chocolate" Madi said, snatching the rest of it away from Charlie because knowing him he would eat it all. He just chuckled at her child-like behavior, something he adored about the younger cast mate.

It seemed like everything was fine with Madison until she hastily put her tea down, running to the bathroom. With Charlie hot on her heels, she emptied the contents of her stomach into the toilet. With quick thinking, Charlie pulled her hair into a ponytail, rubbing her back as she dry heaved into the toilet once more.

Her migraines were always different, some made her tired, with maybe a stomach ache, but the bad ones made her violently sick, which meant Charlie spent most of his night either in the bathroom with her or in bed rubbing her back. He wanted her to be comfortable, he just cared too much about this girl who wandered into his life, you know as an honorary sister.

"You okay Mads?" Charlie asked handing her a cup of water to wash out her mouth. She just nodded carefully standing up from the toilet. She sent a small smile towards Charlie before crawling back into bed.

He followed close behind her, he never wanted to leave her when she was this bad.

"Scoot over, you butt" He said, making her groan.

"But I am soooo comfy Charles, and you take up too much room" She said, shooting him a toxic look. If looks could kill, Charlie would be six feet under at any given moment.

She carefully moved sides of the bed, making enough room for Charlie to crawl in next to her. With the lights still dim in the room, he could barely see her figure, but he knew if he put his arm out, she would cuddle right into him. So that is what he did, carefully he reached around her, and she slowly scooted closer to him.

He felt her lower her head onto his chest, so he wrapped his arm around her shoulders. He began to rub her back softly; it was something he learned about her early on in filming. When she had a migraine, you rub her back and she falls right to sleep. Usually the irritation would go away after a quick bout of sleep.

"Thank you for this Charlie..." She murmured about a whisper, she was on her way to sleep and he was happy she would finally get some rest. Soon the room was filled with soft snores of the relaxed girl. Charlie couldn't help but feel relieved, he was her honorary brother, and he was able to help her tonight when no one else could.

He was her lifesaver until he did something to annoy her again... I mean this is the Charlie and Madi show.

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