Scary- Ghost!Reggie x Reader

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You had always been the girl everyone was terrified of, everywhere you went something terrible happened. Eventually, your friends began dropping out of your life, afraid of something happening to them for being in the same room as you.

So, you ended up being the freak, the person everyone was terrified of. You had lost so many people in your life; it seems everyone else was trying to avoid getting hurt as well. So, they just walked away when you needed people the most.

The only person who had enough courage to approach you was Julie Molina, bless her whole heart. She just lost her mom and she was going to confront the most mean and scary girl in her school.

"Excuse me?"

You turned around, hair swinging over your shoulder as you looked her up and down. Too busy to even care about her standing there. You turned back to your friends, "Excuse me" You heard again, but slightly more forceful.

"What" The anger was dripping from your words, everyone was terrified of you. Why wasn't this girl? She just didn't know when to walk away from a dangerous situation, meaning you.

"I just- can we have a moment skank's?" She said, looking at your group of friends. This only make you laugh as you nodded at them.

"Well isn't little Molina confident today, how can I help you?" She cowered back a little, almost afraid if she got too close something was going to happen. You had never actually hurt anyone, but lots of people close to you had died. Sets a bad precedent, I guess.

"Uh yeah- uh-uh-uh..."

"Spit it out, Molina" At this rate, she wasn't going to tell you what she needed till Christmas.

"Uh- I was just thinking... I know you don't have many close friends. And I know you lost your mom- so I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school? Just for a bit?" Julie said, almost scared of your reaction. No one has ever wanted to be your friend; let alone this girl you barely knew.

Your expression softened; it was not something you ever expected from her. She was the epitome of happiness and light, while you were so dark and full of sadness. It was an odd mix.

"Can I think about it? If that's okay, Julie..." You said in a low voice, she nodded. Handing you a piece of paper with her phone number on it. To just let her know before the day was over.

This idea of a new friend, it brightened the anger you held in your soul. The mean and scary just became a way of deflecting the pain and suffering. It made you stronger and that was what was important, especially after such loss.

By third period, you had come to one conclusion. You were going to try your hardest to be friends with Julie Molina... and that was the first goal you had in many years.

You met Julie at the end of the day, walking back to her house. Deciding to spend your afternoon in the garage, you were surprised by the three boys sitting on the couch and chatting.

"Uh hi- I didn't know you invited others?" You said, confusion clearly coating your features. While Julie was just stunned, clearly startled that you saw them.

"You can see them?"

You blinked rapidly and they were still there, "Uh yeah? Am I supposed to pretend they don't exist or something?" You just chuckled under your breath, you found yourself quite funny.

The boys looked just as confused as Julie, "What?" You said again.

"They-they-uh they are ghosts..." Julie said, clearly waiting for your reaction. Instead of freaking out, you just sat your bag down before reaching out to the boy closest to you.

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