Wake Up- Alive!Luke x Reader

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You had been in a funk for over a year, you had just lost your grandmother and she was the light of your life. She spent every waking hour making sure you were taken care of, and that you had somewhere to stay and someone to love you. Your grandmother had been like a parent to you, from the moment your parents separated, she was there when they couldn't be, and you were so grateful.

She gave you a purpose in life, and when she got sick, and I mean really sick it was hard to watch. Her dementia came on hard, and it made her forget the most important people in her life, including you. You were a light in her life and suddenly that light had disappeared over night, as her memory faded so did her body. She was deteriorating at a rate that was unbearable to watch....

The last cognitive conversation you had with her was about you boyfriend, Luke. He was the light at the end of the tunnel as you faced the unthinkable. You knew how much she loved him, and he loved her, she had become a surrogate for some of the love he was lacking at home. She wanted you to be happy and stay in love. She wanted Luke to be your endgame, and before you could make your future a reality... She was gone, like a ship in the night. It was quick but that never made it any easier to face.

The moment she left you earth side, the music stopped. You couldn't combine a single lyric or a melody. You were sure it would come back to you one day, but as much as you and Luke tried; you just fell into a puddle of tears every time. It was like the music left the moment she did, and that was an unbearable feeling, not only for you but for Luke.

Luke Patterson was the most selfless person you had ever met, he wanted nothing more than to restore a sense of happiness into your world, but he didn't know how. He would have given up music if it meant bringing you happiness. But your happiness left this earth, and he couldn't bring her back no matter how much he tried and prayed.

Here you were a year later, still in a rut with your music but tried to be supportive of Luke and his dreams. You were watching the guys and Julie mess around with certain lyrics and tunes as you were scribbling in your journal.

You didn't dare tell Luke and the guys that same amounts of lyrics began to appear in your mind, which is what you were scribbling down.

"Hey Lover, how does this sound" Luke said, drawing your attention away from your possible lyrics. They were adjusting the entrance to Bright and were just trying to include you.

You listened carefully to the beginning, "Maybe Julie should start off slow with the piano before you guys jump in at the chorus?"

You looked up from your spot on the couch, and everyone's eyes were on you, it was the first musical thing you had mentioned in a year. It flowed out of you like it never left in the first place.

"What?" beginning to feel uncomfortable with everyone's attention on you.

"You-you-you you just suggested something musical for the first time in a year, and it is something that we didn't even think of. I-I- I guess we are all just a bit shocked" Reggie said, clearly unsure of what to say at your comments, you just shrugged your shoulders.

"It's nothing, just an idea" You said, returning to your journal in front of you. It really wasn't a big deal; they asked your opinion, and you gave it to them.

Julie told the guys to take a break before settling in the chair next to the couch, "You okay? You seem to be writing up a storm there"

You looked up at her, trying to decide whether or not to tell her the truth. You quickly looked around to make sure the boys had left, well mostly Luke.

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