Status- Alive Luke x Reader

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A/N: This was a request on my Tumblr.

Requests are open

Your parents never approved of any of your boyfriends in the past, and Luke was just another one. They felt he was a bad influence and that he was going to lead you down a path their 17-year-old daughter shouldn't be on. But no matter what was said, you stood your ground. Luke was the love of your life, and you knew that deep inside of you. No measure of money was going to change your feelings. He was everything to you.

But no matter how many compelling conversations you had with your parents; they still saw him as punk. A boy who was unable to care for the daughter with the level of care they expected. They were so prejudice because of their social status; they didn't want him to be involved with you.

You had gotten into more trouble recently, grades slipping and even egging someone's house. You were a teen and for once, you wanted to act like one. Without your parents trying to reprimand you for every tiny thing. You knew where the balance was in your family, and it was clear Luke would never fit into the fold, which is why you were fighting with your dad again.

"Dad you are being ridiculous, Luke is a great guy. All you see is the fact he's in a band and trying to make his dream come true. His decisions in life don't change my life choices. For once, I just want to act like a teenager without you picking me apart." You fought back, trying to prove a point to your father, he was so caught up in Luke's choice of career and lack of money he didn't see how happy his daughter was.

"Y/n, you are acting like a child. My opinion has nothing to do with you, but Luke is a punk. You are my daughter, and you deserve more in life than a washed-up musician who is going to begging on the street corner." Your father screamed back at you, in all the time you had been with Luke, he never once raised his voice at you until this conversation.

You knew he was going to be anger, you wanted to take a year off after high school, not only for Luke but for you. A moment in time to focus on yourself and what path you wanted to take in life. But your dad did not approve, he felt taking a year off would just lead to more excuses. Swearing up and down that it was Luke's idea and not yours.

The tears ran down your face as you tried to find the words, "No amount of money matters to me, Luke is what matters. My life will always be intertwined in his, no matter what his status is. I love him daddy, and if you can't see that, then god I pity you. You wouldn't know what love is if it smacked you in the face"

With that you took off running up the stairs in your home, trying to escape the anger boiling over in your father. He was angry and it was understandable, but you were his daughter, and he should care about your feelings too.

You slammed your bedroom door behind you, locking it swiftly. You didn't want to be here any longer, you wanted to be with Luke. He was the only one who understood you, the money never mattered to you, even as rich as your family was. You swiftly unlocked your window, sliding down the roof and onto the patio, if he wasn't aloud to come to you. You were going to go to him in a heartbeat.

Swiftly jogging down the street, you made you way to the Molina's. More specifically you were looking for Luke in the garage, he had been crashing there for weeks after the fight with his parents. You swung the doors open and found the band rehearsing, when Luke saw you standing there with puffy eyes. He immediately took off his guitar, taking you into his arms. He knew things were getting rough at home, but he never thought it was this bad.

"Baby, what happened? Why are you crying?" he questioned, taking your face in between his calloused hands. You were sniffling, trying to contain yourself. Being angry was always the worse shade of your personality and you didn't want to take it out on Luke.

You looked deep into his eyes, trying to find the words, "Luke... I-I I just." You were struggling to find the perfect words. You knew it was going to crush him when you told him your parents' opinion of him.

Taking a deep breath, you began again, "I snuck out after we got into a huge fight and my dad, he thinks you are a punk. He thinks you are going to ruin my chances of getting into a good school and expanding my future. He is so caught up in his world, to even consider how I am feeling for once in his selfish life. God, he is so caught up with money and status, that he doesn't care what I want in my life. Because I want you Luke, the good and the bad. No matter how far you go or how much money you make, I just want to be with you." The words finally flying out of you. Luke was just nodding along, letting you express everything you were feeling in that moment.

Luke pulled you close to him as you finished, he just sighed. He was going to give you the world and he knew that. He knew he was going to sell out shows, but most of all he knew he was going to make you proud. Sadly, your father who couldn't find the stick shoved so far up his ass didn't know that reality yet. As Luke knew he was going to marry you one day and support you no matter what your dreams were. He was your equal and no amount of money was going to change that.

You sighed, wrapping your arms around his neck, "Luke, you are worth so much more than any amount of money. I love you for you, and that is what matters to me"

Swiftly you pressed your lips to his, the electricity surging through the both of you. It felt so right, it always had between you. He carefully picked you up, wrapping your legs around his waist. He sat down on the couch, with you straddling his hips and he gripped your hips tightly. You knew he was going to leave bruises on your hips, he always did when he was passionate about something.

You continued kissing, the butterflies pooling in your stomach as you became overcome with passion. He was the one for you, he was always going to be the one you wanted in life. You pulled away, resting your hands in his hair, this was a normal position for you.

"Luke, when I say I love you. I mean that, I know in my heart that I am going to marry you one day. I don't care what my dad has to say about it. You, Luke Patterson are the one for me" You said softly, as you watched the red blush cross his cheeks

"Well you should know that I love you too, more than the music running through me. I am going to marry you one day, I knew that the moment I met you. As for you dad, he's going to have to get used to the idea of a punk being his son-in-law" Luke said with his signature smirk embedded on his lips.

You knew in that moment; Luke was yours no matter what any status said.

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