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Hi, darlings.
Whether you're a new or old reader, I'm blown away with gratitude. Thank you for reading this book, in its unrevised and 6 year old glory.

I do plan on coming back to revise it one day but for now I'm keeping it up as raw as it was when I first started writing and updating it because this project was something that kept my head above water when I was going through a so called rough patch in my teens. Edgy, I know. But it really saved me in a way. Both Aubrey and Ethan did.

It makes me emotional every time to come back here and read new comments and re-read old comments and see how many people relate, and how many people care and have compassion. To be able to see that really warms my heart.
I just wanted to let you know that I've put TO ETHAN on Goodreads, and maybe you would like to leave a rating or even a review. It would help me out a lot, and it'll help bump up your Goodreads challenge, too. :-)

Thank you again, so much. You're amazing. I love you. Stay safe.

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