Part 10: Spooky music club (18+)

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December 21st, 2020. 15:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

Twenty days had passed.

As Tine and Sarawat reminiscenced their past time in their relationship, they sat together silently outside the music club building of the university. They remembered their times of consensual bed talk and sleeping acts.

The clanging sounds of shoes echoed outside the corridors. Instead of a hulking dude, the walking figure was actually very tall and lanky.

The stranger approaching Sarawat had long black hair that reached his heels, a twisted grin baring off his entire jaws of white teeth, and his bright red eyes were hidden beneath his long, oversized hair. His limbs were long and loose, his gait was slightly hunched, and every step looked very slow but actually extremely fast. His outfit was light brown pants, a red-brown shirt with a tie and a long blue-gray jacket. He held a brown mahogany violin with only one string attached, and an elongated violin fiddlestick with a sharp point. His name was Antonio Vescovi.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha~~~!!!!!" Antonio laughed crazily, his violin playing terrifying music from hell, but his hand did not touch it, only a few strands of his hair holding the violin and the fiddlestick.

Antonio's arms dangled lazily on his torso as he walked towards Sarawat, his everlasting grin heading towards him.

"Poor little soul, I have heard your deepest thoughts. Let me bring you to the path of enlightenment." Antonio's demonic voice replied as Antonio entered the scene, disturbing Sarawat's peace.

A series of sounds from Antonio's violin made Sarawat hypnotized. Red demonic music notes appeared around Antonio and struck Sarawat so many times that his head was stunned with the hallucinating noises wailing on both sides of his ears.

"Let me tell you. I was only 35 years old in 1897, and my name is Antonio Vivaldi. It's the same name as a famous violinist, but my real name is Antonio Vescovi. The title 'Vivaldi' is a misnomer." Antonio said.

In front of Tine's eyes, Antonio's slender figure stood up straight with his shoes tiptoeing on the floor. Antonio kept his wicked smile wide to his ears, his whole body immobile. His violin hung almost to the ground, it was wrapped by a long strand of his hair. The bow of the violin also hung in midair, and his hair was fixed around it. Antonio's thin hands with long bony fingers were holding the sides of Sarawat's head and squeezing him. Sarawat completely resisted Antonio, his eyes blankly looking at the crotch of his pants, his hands automatically untying his belt and sucking his dick in front of Tine.

Tine shouted: "Snap out of it, Sarawat! Don't do it!"

Antonio's violin played the scary music, the music of hell. Tine's head ached terribly, he too could never resist the urge.

"Yes, Antonio is very happy when someone is willing to entertain him. I can hear his sigh." Lots of eerie voices whispered into Tine's ear.

"You can't change your fate." Antonio's grinning mouth said as his long black hair entangled Tine's body and dragged him close.

Tine was completely brainwashed by Antonio. He swooped into the devil's arms and gave him a hot kiss. Even he was as crazy as Sarawat, and he paid no heed to the person before him who he never knew. As mentioned above, Antonio could control the hearts and brains of anyone hearing his violin, until he released them from enchantment.

December 24th, 2020. 15:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

"It's Christmas time!" Tine cheered loudly.

Tine had gathered a very large group of friends in his house, Sarawat had been staying in Tine's house full time.

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