Part 9: Poison rain

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November 25th, 2020. 22:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

The clacking sounds of a pair of rubber boots echoed on a dark corridor...

The dangling sound of a metal hose...

The heavy breathing of a muffled mouth...

A face popped out from the darkness... The face looked so inhuman... Covered in a gas mask with goggles...

The full body was covered in a dark green long coat made of durable synthetic materials... Even the hands were covered in thick black rubber gloves...

Meet John George Haigh, also known as the Corroder.

A profoundly notorious serial killer terrorizing London with infamous cases of acid murder. In life, he had a charismatic grandeur and a handsome look making women swoon over him. He was executed for his crimes in the late 1949. Now back from the dead with a violent thirst for bloodshed, Haigh equipped himself with a backpack sprayer containing highly concentrated sulfuric acid and a rubber suit with a gas mask to conceal his identity and make himself more dangerous as well as intimidating.

November 26th, 2020. 12:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

John Haigh knocked on the door of Type's house with the metal hose he carried along every time he went from town to town. The smell of stainless steel and sulfuric acid leaked into the gap of the door.

Type opened the door with a sulky face. But standing before him wasn't Tharn or any of Tharn's friends, and not even any of the juniors. It was a very strange man with a murderous look.

"Hey, is this supposed to be a cheery romance story?" A voice asked.

Everyone froze.

"Oh dear, continue that." Another voice protested the first voice.

John Haigh raised his hose real high and tried to swoop the entire thing into Type's face.

"Stop that!" The first unknown voice said.

Everyone froze.

"Reel!" The second voice said.

John Haigh regained his movement and struck Type with a blow in the head. Type's head ached but he got up and got into blows with the unknown assailant.

November 28th, 2020. 12:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

As it turned out, the entire plot happened days ago were nothing more than a discussion of two girls writing a collaborated fan-fiction thriller story. The real John Haigh killer was nowhere to be found, as he could be long dead in the past or yet to be seen.  

December 1st, 2020. 15:30 o'clock, GMT+7, Thailand time zone.

John Haigh made his first official appearance. Not in a written work, though. But he appeared in the very real life, as a physical demon. He was not associated with any organization. He was an independent hunter. The physical appearance of the real John Haigh matched exactly with the description in the fan-fiction. 

Like a self-fulfilled prophecy, John Haigh did come to Type's house and stared at him menacingly as he entered the living room.

"Your body stinks of chemicals." Type bluntly said.

"You get it right, ha ha ha ha ha~~~!!!!" John Haigh laughed through his gas mask.

"I don't even know who you are. Why did you come here?" Type frowned slightly.

"None of your business. My advice is that you have to please me as your guest." John Haigh's rough voice responded.

"All right." Type sighed with a reluctant tone.

As Type and John Haigh made a conversation, Tharn was in the kitchen when he smelt a strong acidic scent from the living room. Then Tharn heard a low-pitched laughter and the shaking sound of metal. After leaving his half-baked fish on the kitchen table, Tharn went upwards out of curiosity. It was really John Haigh with the shaking metal hose on his hand.

"You invited that stranger?!" Tharn was quite red.

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