Part 1: The Hunters of Literature World

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Below was the list of Hunters of Literature World.

-Tybalt Capulet: The Archduke of the Capulet clan, also known as The Archduke. He still retained his tall stature as well as his long curly brown hair and fair-colored skin, the only difference from his human form was that he was covered in black veins and grayish skin to make him look like an undead, which was ironically true. Tybalt still wielded his rapier and dagger, but his demonic revival brought along several dark supernatural powers such as shadow clone manipulation, darkness hand blasts and darkness slashes. Tybalt retained his fiery personality after rebirth, only to show more mercilessness and coldness overshadowing the former. He originates from William Shakespeare's play 'Romeo and Juliet' and its adaptions.

-William Wilson: the shady photojournalist working for London police department alongside Herlock Sholmes, the evil counterpart of Sherlock Holmes. He is armed with a sword as a part of his policeman career, aside from a revolver. He had a thick maustache, white skin and brown curly hair. His costume is consisted of a black bowler hat, a grey tuxedo suit worn over by a brown coat, a checkered scarf around the neck. His powers of reality warping came from the supernatural camera he carries, a snap of it can create a static photograph world in which any damages done to the images of his victims would reflect a half of damage to them in the real world. Also, he can freely move from camera world to real world, and can time jump into the locations he once moved before in order to prevent his preys from returning back for escape. But be noted that, William Wilson's appearance in the real world is a black-and-white phantom version of himself with black cracks all over his body, although he can also change into his more colorful human form in the camera world and the real world. Also, beware that Wilson can create a duplicate of himself with a self-photographing image with the opposite colors of his own and attack simultaneously with the mirror image. Anyone caught in Wilson's area of reflection will have their mirror images manifested, thus any attack on the mirror images will reflect back to the original. In other hands, William Wilson is invincible. He is also known as The Photographer. He originates from Edgar Allan Poe's short story 'William Wilson'.

-Arsene Lupin: The notorious phantom thief in Victorian-era France, who is adapted to villainy under the name of The Phantom Thief. Here were his tell-tale signs to distinguish him: tall slender stature, hands wearing white gloves, always carries a long walking cane with a pointed tip, a long black collared cloak with red underside and a scarlet rose on the left breast, a white waistcoat and shirt, a golden-coated monocle worn over left eye, a black top hat. His human form wore these clothes and had these traits, but when he shifted his face into a phantom thief, he became a phantom literally. He still wore the very same clothes and had the very same appearance, but his monocle transformed into a golden mask covering the left half of his face save for the mouth and the right side of his face which turned translucently pale like the skin of a vampire. The mouth turned into a row of sharp fangs for biting, and his hands grew long nails. Aside from his usual walking cane, Arsene Lupin possessed freakish otherworldly powers such as shooting scarlet slimy ropes from his wrist tendons, teleporting in a red mist made of rose petals, flying with his cloak, hearing things from a far distance as far as distances between large oceans. When his mask was uncovered, the face beneath it was horribly disfigured with hideous marks looking like a mashup of deep wounds and peeled flesh. The rose on his breast could spray a red fume that smelled very sweet, but it was the sweetness of deadly poison, so one was advised not to get too close to him at all costs when fighting him in close quarters.

-Morgan le Fay: A pale blonde-haired ghost woman dressed in a black medieval European royal dress and a golden crown with a serpentine magic wand for dark witchcraft. Legends has it that Morgan the Fay is a powerful dark witch originates from King Arthur legends. She is known as The Wicked Witch.

-Igor Lichtenstein: The undead mad scientist of German descent. He was a tall man with wild white hair wearing a white lab suit with a white jacket and a brown leather waistcoat, black boots and gloves. One of his hands had mechanical claws attached on the fingers, and one of his cold blue eyes had a monocle worn over it. Igor had a history of being a scientist who was interested in seeking a way to achieve immortality and longevity, and who was converted into an undead demon in 1865 at the age of 60. Igor's monster form was akin to the Frankenstein Monster (a hulking creature built from parts of dead bodies) and a cyborg. He relied on sophisticated technology and robotics for strategic planning and combat. He could handle fights on his own with an electric baton. He is also known as The Mad Scientist. He's based on Victor Frankenstein of Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

-Jasper Ricketts: The true identity of the infamous legendary killer Jack the Ripper, whose famous five canonical victims were Mary Ann Nichols (found August 31, 1888), Annie Chapman (found September 8, 1888), Elizabeth Stride (found September 30, 1888), Catherine Eddowes (also found September 30, 1888), and Mary Jane Kelly (found November 9, 1888). Jack the Ripper wears a green tuxedo with a green top hat and a matching large coat, but he doesn't wear a monocle and instead wore a white sack mask with holes for eyes. His secret identity under the white sack is very handsome and good-looking artist, but when he becomes the Ripper, his weapon is a knife. Even in his human form in both masked and unmasked clothes, Jasper is well-built and can pick up a fight. When he transforms into a monster in the fog, however, his right hand turns into a massive claw with long knives on fingers, his face sack becomes covered in black soot forming a wicked smile while the face underneath it becomes a face with a gaping mouth ridden with beast-like teeth and eyes with glowing red light from it. Jasper's monster form is actually his undead form, and it is in his form that he can manipulate fog and can make himself invisible. The clothes he wore still got intact, albeit that his sleeves were torn due to his mutation. He is also known as The Ripper.

-Caius Lancius Mortemis: A former Roman governor of Israel in 72 AD, the year when he was converted into one of the first members of the Iscariot Army Corps. Caius was born in 32 AD and was turned into a skeletal demon clad in the armor of a Roman legionary when he was still in office. Caius was a calm and wise person when he was a human, and this trait was preserved even after his transformation, except that he now had an interest in killing people. In his demon form, Caius carried a large red rectangular semi-cylindrical shield with the shape of a bat printed on its surface, a sharp lance with rows of spikes running down from the sides of its point and a great sword. Caius' full Latin name could be translated as 'Spear of Death'. He's the reincarnated Gaius Cassius Longinus. He's also known as The Legionary.

-Marcus Infernum Claudius: A huge Roman officer carrying a sword and shield and wearing armor made of golden hands and fingers that were grafted to his skin. Parts of the armor formed claws that pulled on his lips and eyelids, forcing them open. He wore a belt with phallus-shaped tendrils dangling from it and had a large scarab shaped belt codpiece. His shield resembled a scutum and bore the symbol of the Roman Republic, and his sword was an oversized gladius, weapons famous for equipping the ancient Roman military. He's the reincarnated Marcus Junius Brutus. He's also known as The Gladiator.

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