The Picture

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Felix and Changbin looked at each other for a long time before Felix broke first. "I thought I would've at least lasted a few days." A dark and demonic laugh escaped Felix's lips.

All three of us jumped back from the table and stood a few steps back. "Why are you here?!" Changbin commanded as he nudged Isabella behind him. "I'm here for her." He turned his head to me, but this time, he had the same demonic look he had in the past.

His pitch black eyes staring into my soul as blood ran down the sides of his face with his fangs shining like sharp knifes. "W-why me?" I questioned as I backed up all the way to the wall.

"Because...." He got up and walked over to me. He walked all the way to me until he stood right in front of me. "Because you ruined everything!" He grabbed me by the neck and lifted me into the air.

"No!!" Changbin charged towards the demon, but he used some kind of power to stop Changbin in his tracks. I tried to pry his hand off, but he was just as strong as before.

"Felix....I love you." I tried to use a tactic that worked in the past. The demon just laughed as he squeezed harder around my neck. "Do you really think that's going to work again?" I started to see stars now as I couldn't breathe.

"I can't wait to see you and Felix suffer." He smiled widely as he opened his mouth and a black stream of smoke emerged from his mouth. It traveled  in the air and headed straight towards me. I tried to avoid it, but the demons grip prevented me to do anything.

The black smoke flowed towards me and entered my own mouth. It burned like fire and felt like giant thorns were tightly wrapping around my esophagus as it traveled down to my heart. Immense pain now started in my heart as it felt like someone was literally ripping it in half.

"Mommy?" I small voice came from the room. We all looked over towards the doorway where the voice came from and saw Jake sleepily rub his eyes as he looked upon the situation.

"Hi there buddy!" The demon stopped what he was doing and dropped me to the ground as he walked over to Jake. "No...! Don't touch him!" I coughed viciously as I tried to get back to my feet, but I was too late.

The demon picked up Jake into his arms with the face of his dad. "Daddy?" Jake asked questionably. "Yeah buddy! It's daddy!" The demon played with Jake's hair and placed Jake's head onto his shoulder.

The demon looked at me with that evil smirk as he walked away with Jake. "No!!!" I still couldn't get back to my feet in time. My head was still spinning from when the demon had choked me in the air and my chest was still tight from whatever demonic cloud had entered me.

Changbin was still stuck in place and wasn't able to run after the demon, so Isabella ran after the demon, but Changbin held her back in worry of his own unborn child. "Jake!" I coughed as I finally get on my wobbly feet. I ran as fast as my wobbly feet could take me and ran after the demon.

"Jake! Where are you?!" I shouted as I ran into the living room. "Right here mommy." Jake ran in from the other hall. I ran to him and kneeled to his height as he ran into my arms. I just stayed there tightly hugging him and crying.

"Mommy....daddy said for me to give you this." I released Jake and looked at him as he extended his little hand. Changbin and Isabella quickly ran in and hovered over us in worry.

"Are you okay there Jake?! Did he hurt you?!" Changbin quickly scanned Jake to look for any injuries. "Here mommy." Jake opened his hand to reveal a crumbled picture.

I took the picture from Jake's hand and opened it up to reveal an old picture of me and Felix when he was reborn again. I flipped to the back where there was a message in red ink.

"Forever together but eternally apart."

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