The Hardest "See You Later"

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We patiently waited in the living room until there was a knock at the door. We all rushed to the door and checked outside before letting Jisung and Hyunjin come in. "Jisung! Hyunjin! Long time no see!" I hugged them as they came through the door. "Likewise!" Jisung laughed as he hugged me back.

"Nice to see you again." Hyunjin hugged me next. "What's up little dude!" Jisung fist bumped Jake as we all walked into the living room. "Is your wife okay?" Jisung asked as he was the first one to see Y/N laying on the couch. "We don't know." I answered him as I walked back to my spot beside Y/N.

"Tell us the details you couldn't tell us over the phone." Hyunjin looks at us anxiously. "It's a very long story...." Changbin sighed as we all sat in the living room and retold what had happened.


"Sheesh....that's confusing!" Jisung massaged his fingers against his temples in confusion. "How long did the demon possess your soul Felix?" Hyunjin questions me. "For quite a long time...." I rethought over all those years I couldn't even control my own body.

"There is a possibility that he has grown obsessive with you. It is a high chance that is the reason why." Hyunjin suggested. "Why me of all people? What did I ever do to him?!" A frustrated cry escaped my mouth. I looked down to my motionless wife as hatred started to fill my heart for that demon.

"Whatever it may be. We need to get rid of it!" My fist curled up into a fist. "But how? How can we get rid of him forever?" Isabella chimed in as she looked upon all of our faces. "An exorcism?" Jisung suggested. "That can be our first step." Changbin nodded as he wrapped his arm around his wife. "When do we start?" Hyunjin now questioned.

"Right now." I instructed as my fist never softened. "Hyunjin, find the best exorcist in town. Jisung, I need you and Hyunjin to come with me. Changbin and Isabella, please help me take care and keep my wife and son safe." They all nodded to reassure me as we all stepped into action.

I kneeled down to my wife and kissed her on the head and then turned to tightly hug my son. "Don't worry daddy! I protect mommy!" Jake proudly smiled as we broke our hug. "Thank you buddy. I'm counting on you to protect mommy, okay?" A smile appeared on my face as I looked upon his proud smile and little nod.

"I'll see you later...."

I ruffled his hair as I stood and walked to the door with Jisung and Hyunjin following behind. "Wait-!" Jake's little feet loudly runs towards me as tears ran down his face. I quickly knelt down and tightly embraced him once more as tears also ran down my face. This is one of the hardest, "see you later" I have ever experienced.

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