The Curse

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Changbin and Isabella read over the note while I held tightly to Jake on the couch. "What does he mean by this?" Changbin kept reading the note over and over again.

Isabella sat down beside me and tried to comfort me after what I had just been through. "Jake? Did daddy hurt you?" I questioned as I looked down at Jake's innocent face.

He just shook his head. "No, daddy don't hurt me. He only told me to give you that picture mommy." He smiled as he laid his head on chest. "I miss daddy." His little voice spoke again. "I miss daddy too." My voice cracked as I tried to hold in my tears.

"It's okay to cry mommy. Is mommy sad?" Jake looked up at me with my eyes filled with tears. "I'm not sad buddy....mommy is just tired." I smiled as I brought his head back onto my chest before tears rolled down my face.

Isabella hugged us from the side as we all sat in silence until there was a sudden knock at the door. "You guys stay here! I'll go get it!" Changbin ran to the door and looked at the security camera before opening the door.

"Oh my god!" Changbin quickly swung the door open. We all hopped onto our feet and ran to see who was here.

Both me and Isabella gasped as we reached the front door and saw Felix unconscious on the front porch. "Felix?!" I ran and fell beside him. "Felix?! Wake up?!" I shook him to wake up, but he didn't move. "Watch out Y/ don't know if that's the demon or not trying to play a trick with us." He tried to pull me back, but I didn't budge.

"This is Felix!" I cried as I lifted his arms around me. "Help me get him inside!" I commanded Changbin. He didn't say anything as he did what he was told and we both hauled Felix to the couch.

"How are you so sure this is really him?" Changbin questions as we all looked down at Felix. "I just know it's him. Once you've been together for two life times, you just kind of know, right?" A small, but questionable smile appeared on my face.

"We'll have to see when he wakes up to get answers." I sighed as I kneeled beside him on the floor. I brush his soft hair to the side and examined his freckled face. Beautiful as always.

"What happened to you?" I whispered quietly as a few more tears ran down my face. "Mommy? Is daddy okay?" Jake stood beside me and looked over his dad. "Yes buddy, daddy is just sleeping." I wrapped my arms around Jake and hauled both of us up.

"Go with Auntie Isabella to go eat, okay?" Jake nodded as I passed him to Isabella and both of them walked out of the living room to the kitchen.

The quote of the back of the note was still running through my mind. What could the demon mean by that quote?

"Should we go get a priest here to exorcist your home and our home?" Changbin suggested. "We can try." I sighed heavily as I looked down to Felix.

"Why is our fate so twisted like this?"

Unheard Voices 2||Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now