The Beginning of Eternity

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For the rest of the day, I anxiously sat beside Felix if he every awoke. We tried everything to wake him up, but it was no use. "Changbin, please tell me you know anything else?" I pleaded as my eyes never left Felix.

"I'm sorry Y/N....I have no clue." Changbin sighed as he looked at the time displayed on the wall clock. "You haven't ate all day, you should go eat something. I'll watch over him." Changbin raised me up to my feet. "I'm sure Jake is worried about his mom too." Changbin then ushers me to the kitchen.

I resisted to not going, but Changbin ended up pushing me all the way to the kitchen where Isabella and Jake were playing at the kitchen table. "Hi mommy! Look at my picture!" He held up his scribbled portrait.

"Wow! That's looks awesome buddy! What did you draw?" I walked over as a smile automatically popped onto my face as I see his excitement to tell me about his work. "This is me, and this is you, and this is daddy! We're all playing at the park!" He smiled widely as he finished coloring in the large tree he drew.

"A present for you and daddy!" He innocently looked up at me as he handed me his picture. "Awww....thank you buddy." I grabbed his drawing and scanned over all the details he had drawn. My smile only grew as I looked at his family drawing, until my eyes instantly stopped at a grey figure lightly drawn beside Felix in the picture.

"Hey Jake, can you tell mommy who this is?" I kneeled down and pointed to the figure. "That's daddy's friend." Jake smiled. "He's always with daddy."

Me and Isabella both just froze and stared at Jake. "Do you see daddy's friend all the time?" I questioned anxiously as I awaited for my son to answer. "Yeah!" Jake gleefully cheered.

"Do you see him right now?" I asked, but he just quickly shook his head. "He here when mommy was on the wall and take me to the other room." Jake pointed back to the living room.

All of us adults looked at each other in horror and back down at Jake that continued to draw. "What am I going to do now?" I gripped Jake's drawing in my hands.

"Here. Let's first get you something to eat, and then we'll all talk about a plan." Changbin sat me in the kitchen chair and went to scavenge for some food.

"Everything will be alright." Isabella held my hand. I just nodded as an easy response, but a weird feeling kept rising as the hours kept passing by.


After eating an early dinner and spending some time with Jake, I sat by Felix's side again and just watched over him anxiously.

"Mommy....?" Jake walked over to me, which I instantly picked him up into my lap. "It's okay mommy." He laid his head on my chest as I slowly rocked him in my lap.

"What do you mean buddy?" I asked curiously as I looked down at him. "Daddy's friend said daddy going to wake up and play with me!" He widely smiled as he looked upon his dad.

"When did you see daddy's friend?" I frantically asked Jake. "What's happening?" Isabella and Changbin walked into the living room.

"Jake said that the demon told him Felix was going to wake up." I put down Jake and grabbed Felix's hand as I kneeled beside him. "Please be okay!" I kissed his hand as tears started to fall down my cheeks.

I quickly grabbed my chest as immense pain started pounding inside. Almost as if my heart was being physically ripped into two pieces.

"Y/N?! Are you okay?!" Changbin and Isabella quickly came to my side. "I don't know what's happening!" I breathed deeply to try to grasp a breathe of air, but I felt like I was slowly suffocating.

My eyes slowly started to fall and my energy started to deplete, but for a quick second, I saw Felix slowly open his eyes before I blacked out.

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