The Return

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"There's a monster under my bed!" He cried. Me and Felix look at each other in confusion and concern as we looked down at our terrified son. "I'll go check." Felix said as he scooted off the bed. "We'll come too." Me and Jake quickly scurried behind him.

As we slowly walked into the room, a weird feeling crawled up my back as I felt the same intensity when I first moved into the house. "Felix? Do you feel that?" I asked as we stopped in front of the bed. "I do." He softly whispered.

He slowly lowered down to the floor and lifted up the blanket to check under the bed. "WHAAAAAA!!!" He screamed and tumbled back, making me and Jake scream and run towards the door.

"What is it?!" I frantically asked, but Felix was rolling on the floor laughing his lungs out. "There's nothing!" He manages to say as he continued laughing.

Jake bursted our crying and started to hit his dad on the head. "You're so mean daddy!!" He wailed. "I'm sorry little buddy!" His dad apologized as he picked him up. "What a great dad you are." I sighed as my eye pierced through Felix with annoyance. "I know!" He just smiled.

"But your face was everything!" He laughed again. I just frowned and grabbed Jake from his arms. "I'll put Jake to sleep in our room tonight." I yawned widely. "Go ahead, you two need to go to sleep." He smiled. "How about you?" I asked suspiciously. "I need to grab a drink downstairs." He simply replies as he leads us back to the door. "Okay then." I rolled my eyes as I walked out to put Jake to sleep.

I laid beside Jake and closed my eyes, trying to fall asleep, but the weird feeling in my stomach kept me awake. I turned to look at the clock that read 3:30 am. I shook the feeling off as I tried to go to sleep again. I finally drifted off and almost fell asleep when the bloody Felix popped in my mind.

I shot my eyes opened, terrified. It's been years since I seen his face. I jumped off the bed and headed towards the stairs to check on Felix when I heard his voice still in Jake's room. "Felix....?"

Felix Pov
As Y/N walked out with Jake, my smile faded away as I turned back to the bed. "What are you doing here?!" I said between gritted teeth.

A dark shadow slowly stood up on the other side of the bed and turned to face me. "How have you been Felix?" The bloody demon Felix smiled at me. "Why are you back?!"

He just laughed as he walked towards me. "I came back to get my revenge!" He smirked. "You're not Changbin, are you?" I questioned. He just laughed once again.

"Changbin is already living his happy life with Isabella, why would I possess him again?" His fangs shined brightly at me as he evilly smiled. "Then who are you?!" I demanded.

He didn't answer as he rolled his head in annoyance. "Your old friend." He smirked. He slowly faded, revealing who he was possessing. "Felix?!" Y/N called out. The demon stopped and took over the body before I could look at who the person was. "See you soon.....old friend." His evil smile shined at me as he completely disappeared.

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