The Beginning

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What you guys have all been waiting for! Book 2 of Unheard Voices! Are you guys excited?! I hope you guys are! I can't guarantee that it will be as good as the first book but I'll try my best! So sit back, relax and wait for long updates! (▽≦)


*"I thought I would never get to do this again." He smiled. Then he leaned in and kissed me just like how he first kissed me before he left.

"Y/N....I love you!"

He whispered. I smiled as a tear slipped down my face as I happily kissed him back.*

"Mommy!" I slowly opened my eyes to see my five year old son standing beside my bed. "What's going on?" I yawned as I sat up. "Can I sleep with you and daddy?" He wined as he climbed up next to me. I looked down at the alarm clock that read 2:45 in the morning. "You have your own room. C'mon I'll take you back." I grabbed his little hand and both of us walked out and back to his room.

I helped him climb back into his bed and finished tucking him in. "I'm scared!" He started crying. "There's nothing to be scared of." I assured him as I laid down beside him. I brushed my fingers through his hair and started to hum a little song that finally made him fall back asleep.

"Goodnight Jake." I smiled as I kissed him on the forehead and quickly sneaked out.

I opened the door and still found Felix fast asleep. I smiled as the memories came rushing back from my past life and my present life. It was difficult in the beginning, but I managed to get through all the hardships and I'm finally happy with my own little family.

No demons! No ghost! It's all perfect! Changbin and Isabella are expecting a child of their own soon and Chan is living happily with his work.

Everyone is happy and everything is perfect.

I slipped back into bed and wrapped my arms around Felix. He slowly started to move and turned around and hugged me back. "Jake can't sleep again?" He yawned. "Yeah....I don't know what's going on." I whispered sleepily. "He's probably just scared of the dark." Felix reassured me as we both started to fall back to sleep.


*I ran out to my car as fast as I could. I jumped into my car and drove out of the gas station.

"Going somewhere....?"

I heard someone whisper behind my ear. I quickly looked back but no one was there. I turned back around and look into my rear view mirror just to see Felix's bloody face and body sitting in the backseat eyeing me with those pitch black eyes and smiling at me with his fangs brightly shining at me.

"What do you want?!!" I screamed, terrified of just looking at him. He just kept smiling with his fangs showing. "I want you!" His cold breath breathing on my neck. "I want you to go back to the house! Something happened to Felix!" I looked back into the rear view, but he disappeared.*


I slowly woke up to terrified cries. I felt Felix release me from his arms and stood up. "Mommy!! Daddy!!" Jake cried as he ran into our room. "What's wrong little buddy?" Felix asked concerned.

Jake continued crying as he quickly scampered onto the bed and covered himself in the blankets between us. "Jake? What's wrong?" I asked as I slowly took the blanket from his face. He looked up at me with terrified eyes and wrapped his little arms tightly around me.

"There's a monster under my bed!" He cried.

Unheard Voices 2||Lee FelixWhere stories live. Discover now