1. Changing

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I'm alone. I've always been alone, but this. This is different. The dead are up and walking around me. I'm lost, far away from home. Everyone I know is dead. And I'm scared.... But in this world. You don't get to be scared, because the scared die, the scared don't know what to do because they are to scared to stand up and fight. I'm walking, walking down a street. The lights are flickering, it's been awhile since I've seen working lights. The air is cold and sharp with every breath I take, I hold my knife steady. The sun is falling, I need to find a place to stay, the houses to my left look fine so I walk over and open the door. The dead walk at me, there's no more then two, maybe three that I can see. My knife goes easily through the first ones skull, it falls to the ground with a thud. The next one isn't so easily done, it pushes me and I stumble back but I manage to catch myself and drive my knife into it's head. Killing the brain. I looked around but there isn't a third one, not that I can see anyway! Taking a deep breath I walk over to the bedroom, making sure nothings hidden inside before throwing myself onto the bed. Another long day down. How many more to go? I've lost track of what I'm fighting for, survival? But for what? I'm alone. I'm just walking but walking to where? Toward the sun? Toward tomorrow? There's nothing left. Nobody left, so why am I still trying? My eyes flutter shut as a small yawn escapes my lips, tiredness washes over me and I'm asleep before I know it. My dreams are always the same, waking up to someone standing over me. But I never get to see that someone. And just like always my eyes flicker open to the sun beaming in, and nobody standing over me. When will this endless death stop? I stand and walk over to the window, seeing the street empty! Not a dead person in sight. I pick up my back pack and pull out a can of corn. Using my other knife I open it and eat. Before leaving checking the kitchen for any goods that may be in there. But there's usually nothing, there's no surprise here. Stepping outside into the beaming hot sun I wish I had shorts. My bag on my back and my knife in hand, I head off for whatever today brings. Walking slowly down the street I decide to take to the woods for awhile. I don't know where I'm going. But it's somewhere. Or it could be nowhere I don't know. I hear a noise from behind a tree, my pace slows and I start taking careful quiet steps. Holding my knife ready, I walk further toward the noise and before I know it someone's jumping out and pushing me to the ground

"Whatcha doin' out here girly" He smirks looking down at me.

I reach and grab my knife that I had dropped, pulling myself off the ground, never taking my eye off him "Walking, couldn't you see that" I reply rather angry.

"Got a smartass do we, well this isn't a place for a lil' girl such as yourself" He spits and glances around.

I'm almost speechless, little girl? If I'm such a little girl then why am I still alive? Why am I walking around alone! "Little" I begin but he cuts me off

"Look, we should go. I wasn't joking this ain't no place for a girl" He grabs my arm and pulls me back toward the street

"Let me go" I try to yank my arm back but it's no use, his grip is to tight. I feel like sending my knife into his skull but I know I can't do that. I'm not a murderer.

"Look girl I'm trying to help you here so shut up and keep walkin' before they hear or see ya" He says angrily and I can't help but believe him. So I shut my mouth and walk faster.

Once I step back into the street I turn and look to the man "What's in there" I begin but yet again I'm interrupted, though this time by another man

"Whatcha got here Albert" He says walking out and straight up to me

"Please let her go, she's not even in the woods yet" The man holding my arm said, almost pushing me away.

"Let me go?" I question, I had a bad feeling at this point. I wanted to get away from these men, So I ran for it, running back up the street and past the flickering light. But I wasn't ready for the man waiting ahead for me. He grabs me and pulls me to the ground, I kick at him, getting a few good ones in before he head butts me hard. My vision goes blurry for a moment and my head throbs. I give my head a small shake and send my knife into the mans gut, kicking him off me and taking another stab into his head. The blood gushing out, over the knife and some getting on my hand, It felt wrong but what was I suppose to do? I didn't have a choice. I took of running again my head throbbing and blood dripping off my knife onto my shoe. Each drop that my eye caught made me feel sick and weak, I could smell it, see it and feel it on my hand. I force my thoughts away as I ran faster, my head throbbing. I make it about two blocks away before I collapse to the ground, Unable to run anymore. I curled my body into a small ball, holding my head in my hands as it throbbed harder. I knew it. This was it, my eyes fluttered shut and I knew they wouldn't open again.

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