13. Why

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I stop at a tree further up, away from Daryl and rubbed my eyes. My ankle, gut and head throbs with pain as I lean back against the tree still rubbing my eyes and slowly sliding my back down it, I pull my knees close my hands once again holding them tightly, digging my nails into my flesh. I hear a groan and see a walker hungrily snapping it's jaw as it drags it's feet toward me, I make no attempt to move or kill it. Instead I just sit there watching it inch closer toward me, it finally gets into reach of me, it bends down almost grabbing me, I can almost feel it's nails dig into my face but it never gets the chance as an arrow is sent flying into it's skull, it falls to the ground in front of me and I glance over to Daryl with a blank expression. He doesn't say anything, doesn't even look at me, I feel guilt wash over me. Had I really been so rude? This man that stands before me, he saved me, without him I'd probably still be at the prison...Dead. "I'm sorry" I feel the words roll out of my mouth, and I feel as if I'm not there, like I'm in some far away land watching all this happen from the distance. My body is numb, I don't feel the pain in my gut nor ankle. Daryl still doesn't say anything, nor does he move as I stand and walk toward him "I know you lost people, people you cared about. But I'm still here, whether you care about me or not. I'm still here and that means others are to" I look him straight in the eye as I speak but he refuses to make eye contact with me. I almost punch him in frustration, I just want him to listen. "Daryl!" I half yell before my attention is turned behind him, a man stands tall, gun pointed to Daryl's head. My eyes grow wide as the man takes a step forward, pressing the gun to Daryl's head now "Don't move" I lip to Daryl, and the man chuckles.

"What do we 'ave 'ere" The man speaks, there's something wrong with the way he speaks, his words are slurred. He has a large frame, tall with broad shoulders, long shaggy hair.

"I think it's rather clear what we have here" I say, and just as I hoped the mans attention is off of Daryl and onto me, the gun to Daryl's head slowly moving toward mine.

"Oh, it's very clear doll face" He's voice is bitter and sour as it reaches my ears. Slowly I reach my hand over, linking my little finger with Daryl's as I notice him reaching for his knife.

"Doll face" I laugh "I ain't no doll face" I say annoyed, slowly pulling Daryl's hand away from his knife, this man wasn't alone. One wrong move and it could cost mine or Daryl's life.

The man is fully distracted as he reaches his free hand over and grips my face, pulling me closer toward him. He pulls me so close I can feel his breath on my cheeks, it's warm with a rotten smell which almost makes me gag. "Women aren't attractive when they speak back" He says before pushing his lips against mine and forcing his tongue into my mouth. This time I don't hold back my gag, choking on his tongue before Daryl shoves the guy hard sending me and him to the ground, I scramble back as I watch Daryl drag the guy away from me and place a clean hit to his cheek bone. The man growls as Daryl fights him for his gun, as the two men fight I listen hearing a murmur in the distance before footsteps. Picking up Daryl's crossbow as I stand, I aim it and luck is on my side as it's already loaded. Another man steps out into view, gun up thinking no one heard him but I already have the crossbow aimed at him. "Take another step and die" I say darkly staring at him with narrow eyes. "Lower your weapon"

"Alright" The smaller man lowers his weapon, he was much smaller than the man Daryl was occupied with.

"I want you to strip naked and leave" I say with all seriousness, though I can't help but smile as I watch his eyes widen "Do it"

"Aye, just let me keep my clothes and I'll leave. I'll take my friend and we won't bother you again" He says and in his favour he actually sounds like he means it. But I laugh, my blood runs cold as I think of Hershel and the prison, letting my finger apply pressure to the trigger, sending the loaded arrow straight into his skull with a cracking sound. The crossbow is heavy, and hard to load as I fiddle around with it a moment before becoming frustrated, gripping another arrow tight in my hand as I step toward Daryl who just took a head-but, focusing before I stab the arrow into the larger mans back, and kicking him off of Daryl. He growls in pain as I kick him harder in the gut.

Daryl watches me a moment before before grabbing my arm and pulling me back "Enough" he says, picking the guys gun up before walking away. I watch him before looking back toward the man, knowing I can't leave. Imagine what they would have done to me if Daryl wasn't here? If I'd been alone and they got hold of me? Yanking the arrow out of his back and angrily stabbing it into his skull, my face blank as I watch him draw his last breath. I yank the arrow back out and begin to walk behind Daryl, Walking away from the camp we made.

"I couldn't just leave him alive, he would have died anyway" I say, hoping I did the right thing?

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