16. Feelings

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"Bella?" His sweet voice rings through my ear, I feel my petite body being place down on something soft as my head lolls back and forth, my eyes fluttering open. My vision is blurry as my eyes roll back and everything is once again black. I swallow thickly but my mouth is dry and it was painful, slowly sitting up as I glance around, rubbing my head as it throbs. "D-Daryl?" I try to call out but it comes out whimpered. Panic rushes through me as I try to stand up, instead I stumble to the ground. I use all the strength I have to push myself up, the panic rushing through me "Daryl?" I scream, but still unable to see him, I glance around the white painted room, my breathing increases in speed as I fail to find a door "Daryl, where are you" I cry out, stumbling to the ground again as tears stream down my face, crawling back into a corner as my body shakes, pulling my knees to my chest. I shake my head, hugging my knees as I cry out "Daryl.. Please, help me" I hear the click of a lock, unlocking. My eyes dart up as I see Daryl step through a wide door, gently closing it behind him. I rush to my feet and stumble over to him, wrapping my arms tightly around him as my body slumps against his, feeling him slip his arms around me "W-where were you?" I ask, my voice shaky and barely a whisper.

"Bella, Hey" I hear Daryl say, feeling his hand gently rubbing my back, I slowly open my eyes, inhaling a deep breath of his scent as I find my face pressed into his neck, my arms tightly wrapped around him as he's knelt down beside the couch.

I clear my throat, slowly pulling my arms back as I fall back onto the couch "So-Sorry" I stutter, sniffling as I wipe the tears from under my eyes, in complete shock from my dream.

"You alright, Bella?" He ask, sitting on the end on the couch. "Why were ya callin' fer me?"

"Be-because I woke up and you weren't there, I was scared" I pull my knees to my chest, frowning as I explain my dream to him "I didn't know where I was"

"Bella.." Daryl sighs, shifting awkwardly as he dropped his gaze away from me.

I sniffle, staring at him a long moment before crawling over and wrapping my arms around his waist, pressing my face into his chest as I cry into it. I feel his body become rigid, as he swallows thickly "Please... Just hold me" I cry out, gripping the hem of his shirt tightly. He awkwardly slips his arms around me, a long moment past as he stays completely still. I sob into his chest, the tears dampening his shirt, I finally feel his arms softened around me, his hand gently rubbing my back.

"Bella, its okay.." He says, trying to comfort me. I nod, shutting my eyes tightly as I inhale deep breaths, slowly falling asleep. I wake up to Daryl easing me off of him and onto the couch, he sighs loudly as he walks toward the window, rubbing his face before he stares out beyond the glass. I softly yawn as I slowly sit up, tilting my head as I stretch my arms out, embarrassment washing over me as I remember the previous moment before I had fallen asleep.

"D-Daryl" I mumble, startling him as he quickly turns, nodding his head softly "I'm sorry 'bout before... I.. I don't know what I was doing" I say with a sad sigh, chewing on the inside of my lower lip.

"No, it's fine... Ya were scared I understand" He mumbles as he turns back toward the window, gazing out it once again.

"Thank you" I whisper as I lay back down, curling into a ball and shutting my eyes tightly. I felt like such an idiot, his arm around me by the tree felt so wrong and awkward but before? I think I liked it, and I found myself wanting to feel his arms around me again. I force the thought to the back of my mind as I open my eyes again, gazing in Daryl's direction. Gnawing at my underlip, slowly I sit up. "Where're we?" I ask softly.

"Dunno, found this as I's walking.. Figured we could stay 'ere for a night" he says with a shrug, and I nod my head, forcing my gaze down to my hands. Fiddling and poking my finger in and out of a small hole, in the knee of my jeans as I lifted my knees up to my chest. Letting loose a small sigh as I glances around the torn apart housing complex.

"You think it's safe enough to stay 'ere the night?" I ask, quietly.

Nodding his head, he turns from the window frame and walks over toward the table, taking a seat as he folds his arms over his chest and leans back. "Yeah.. But Yer should rest, got another couple long days ahead of us"

"And what 'bout you? You need rest as well" I say with a worried expression.

"I'm fine" he mutters back, simply. Giving me a shrug as he gnaws at the nail on his thumb.

"Oh-okay" I mumble, frowning a little as I lay myself back down, stretching across the comfy couch. My eyes slowly flutter shut, trying to stay awake as long as I could. I lightly snore as I toss around, dreaming. I'm sitting on a rocking chair, though it's not rocking. I blink hard at what I'm seeing in front of me. I try to move, run. Anything. But fail as I find my hands tied tightly to the arms of the chair, my feet tied with a chain criss-crossed between them and the chair. I swallow done the forming lump in the back of my throat, forcing out a loud scream. But as always, one of my biggest fears comes. My mouth runs dry, and I choke on the scream, causing nothing more then a silent whimper to leave my slightly parted lips, tears peeking through my eyes.

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