14. What's Next?

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As we walk endlessly, deeper into the woods I shiver. The night only gets colder and feels like it's being dragged out much longer than it should, my feet throb as I fall further behind Daryl; who is walking much to fast for me to keep up with anyhow and still hasn't said a word to me. I feel like he hates me, like if I just stopped walking and sat down, he wouldn't notice nor would he stop. And with that thought constantly screaming at me, I finally give in and stop. Inhaling the cold crisp air as I slump down on the ground, not caring about what lays beneath me. I feel the warmth of my tears trickling down my face, and without a care I let them fall. "Ya just gon' sit there an cry?" Daryl says with barely a glance as he stops walking.

"If I want to" I stare at him, how can he be so heartless? I almost yell at him, asking how. But the words die just as they form in my mouth and again guilt washes over me. "I'm tired Daryl, I'm cold, my legs hurt and I just want to stop."

"Stopping is only going to make you colder" He finally turns and faces me, slowly walking toward me.

"I don't care, I can't walk anymore Daryl, you're welcome to keep going without me" I sigh, feeling a headache coming as I lightly press my hands against the sides of my head.

With a loud uncomfortable sigh, I feel Daryl slip his arm around my shoulders as he sits beside me. "We can stop for a little while" Everything about this feels uncomfortable, the closeness. But his warmth draws me closer, resting my head on his shoulder as I inhale a deep sharp breath, inhaling his scent. Wrapping my arms around myself, staring off out in the distance feeling extremely awkward.

"Thank you" I whisper through my dry lips, feeling myself wanting to cry again. With the tears falling down my emotionless face I turn to look up at Daryl, wiping my eyes so I can see him better. I stare, even though I know he hates it. I do it anyway.

"What?" He glances down at me, and I can feel his arm wanting to yank away from my shoulders. I can see him wanting to look away and hide, like I'm some sort of monster that will eat him whole if he doesn't move and hide soon.

"Why are you so shut off?" I hear the words slip out my lips before I can stop them, and it's to late to take them back as his eyes widen slightly and he looks away, pulling his arm back.

"Why're you?" His voice is quiet, and distant but I refuse to answer him. Looking away I inch further away from him, hugging myself tightly. "No answer aye?" He huffs angrily.

"Ya know you don't have to be an ass 'bout everything!" I glared down at the ground, not wanting to look at him.

"This is who I am... Get use t' it" He stands up, and begins to walk away. I just shake my head, watching him walk off into the distance.

"Fuck you" I yell once I can barely see him, standing up angrily. "You think you know it all, think you're the only one that's hurt? Well fuck you! I'm hurt as well, I'm fucking lost... Can't you see that? I'm trying, I'm fucking trying to help you, trying to get you to let me in but you won't, you keep pushing me away..." I clutched my jaw shut and turn on my heels, walking away in the other direction. I walk fast, not listening or caring to what's behind me or infront of me, I step in a small hole and my ankle rolls. Bringing back the pain from the day care, I groan as my buttocks hits the ground. Holding my face in my hands I cry, unable to hold it back anymore. I sit and cry for a long moment before I feel arms slip underneath my armpits and lift me up and without a word Daryl carries me, my arms slipping around his neck as he carries me up to an old cabin. "T-thanks" I murmur with a stutter as he places me down on the couch. Still without a word he turns and begins picking up things. I sit up on the couch, watching him. "Daryl, I'm sorry."

He continues to fiddle around with his crossbow a moment before answering "You should rest" he says without a glance.

"Daryl, will you talk to me? Like actually talk to me!" I ask with a sad sigh.

"Talk about what Bella? What do you wanna talk 'bout huh?" He drops his crossbow and looks at me.

"I don't know, maybe why you won't talk to me!" I try to stand but fail as I fall back on the couch.

" 'cause I ain't got nothin' t' say" He says with a shrug and I sigh.

"You really don't like me..do you?" I state more than ask, and once again he leaves me hanging as he opens his mouth but shuts it a moment after, standing up and going back to fiddling with his crossbow. "Daryl! Don't just ignore me"

"I ain't" he murmurs, cleaning each of his arrows.

"Can I at least know why?" I ask as a frown works it's way onto my features, staring at him a long before realising he isn't going to answer. I sigh annoyed and lay back on the couch, letting my eyes close as I slowly fell into a deep sleep. My dream starts differently to how it normally would, I can feel arms around me, carrying me. I can't move as they place me on something soft, I feel the gentle touch of his lips against my forehead, my eyes slowly open as I look up to him with a faint smile "I love you" I whisper before everything starts to fade, everything around me going black. I try to scream but nothing comes out, until he's the only thing I see, he's everywhere. My breathing is heavy as I finally get the scream to come out of my mouth. Not just in the dream, my eyes snap open to Daryl kneeling beside me and lightly shaking me.

"Bella?" He says softly, frowning.

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