9. The Day Care

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I swallow the lump in my throat as I force my gaze onto the Daryl, he just stares blankly ahead but I can see some emotion trying to take over, trying to take over him. I glanced back to the tiny walkers in front of us, the saddest part is that they all look half decayed. Like they've been rotting here for a while now. I force myself to grab my knife pressing my lips together as I glance back to Daryl "Stay here" I say softly, climbing over a table that separated us from them. I can't bring myself to kill any of them so I just shove them, making sure not to get to close to their mouths. I can see the baby formula in a cabinet on the other side, shoving past the child walkers moving fast, I shove this little blonde girl and she stumbles back hitting into a table hard. The table rocks and falls down pushing her with it, she reaches over and grabs me, I stumble out of her grip but the table is heavy as it slams down hard on my ankle, sending me to the ground with a thump, I groan in pain as the little girls rotten hand reaches out almost scratching me. I kick the table off my ankle and stumble back out of reach to the walker, but there's about 10 surrounding me now. I hold my knife close and I'm forced to send it into the skull of three, it slides in easily and I yank it back out without struggle, each one I kill falls to the ground with a thud, I close my eyes each time unable to look at their petite bodies falling lifelessly. "Daryl?" I glance up to him as I call his name loudly but he's just staring at this one walker, she's a small girl maybe 11? Her hair is short and was once blonde. I force myself to stand, taking down another walker. I mutter "I'm sorry" Each time my knife drives into the skull of one, tears threaten to fall but I push them back forcing my eyes to stay focused, I try to take a step but my ankle rolls and I'm sent falling to the ground with another loud thump "Ahhh" I groan in pain once again, my knife falls out of my hand and falls under a bookshelf, I try to reach for it but I can't, the little blonde walker gets closer and I scramble away, unsure of what or where to go. Until I'm backed into a corner, their's nothing around that I can grab, I'm completely trapped with no weapon "Daryl" I called out loud, glancing between him and the child as she stumbles closer toward me, blocking me. "Daryl, I'm sorry but I really need your help" I start to panic as I stare at his blank face, he makes no attempt to respond or move "Daryl please" My heart is pounding fast in my chest, my eyes are watery and I'm sweating. My breathing is heavy and fast as I force my gaze on Daryl, knowing if I die right now I want him to be that last thing I see.

"Sophia" I hear Daryl mutter quietly, I begin to wonder who that was but I force that out of my head as I stare at Daryl's face, it feels like I'm watching a movie as everything begins to slow and I can almost feel the walkers rotting teeth tripping through my flesh as it falls to the ground with a thud, my eyes dart to it seeing an arrow sticking out of it head and I take a deep breath as my gaze falls back on Daryl who's just standing there with his crossbow up

"I-I. I'm sorry" I feel like bursting out into a loud cry but I don't, instead I push that loud cry back as I push myself off the ground, groaning in pain. Daryl doesn't say anything just looks away as he walks over grabbing the baby formula and walking toward the door. I limp behind him as he forces the door opened, I'm slow but I'm moving. Pushing myself to move faster as my ankle throbs with pain, I slide into the passengers seat, taking a few deep breaths calming myself. I lift my ankle up and onto the dash looking at it, it's already swollen and could possibly be broken. "Ouch" I mumble as I slide my shoe off, wrapping a cloth tightly around my ankle before putting my shoe back on. Daryl starts up the car and drives still not saying a word, my gaze falls on him studying his face, he's emotion.

"What are ya starin' at?" Daryl voice broke the silence that lingered between us.

"You." I didn't bother to look away or say sorry. Not like before.

"Well it's annoyin'." Daryl muttered rudely.

"Hope it annoys the shit outta you" I rolled my eyes and looked away back out the window.

"Ya got a problem with me or somethin'?" Daryl asked and his annoyance showing in his tone.

"Lighten up" I rolled my eyes again looking toward him.

"Lighten up? After what jus' happened?" Daryl huffed angry "Ya almost died back there"

"But I didn't? You saved me" I said realising the blame in his voice, did he blame himself?

"I stood there unable to do anythin', if I had jus' come alone" He growled angrily.

"Than next time go alone, I won't bother" I almost yelled back, staring at him for a moment longer before my eyes fell to my hands in my lap, I sighed loudly as Daryl gave no reply just sped up. It wasn't long before the prison came back into view and relief washed over me. I started to really dislike the man sitting next to me, I couldn't figure it out. He was such an ass, rude and stubborn. Once we pulled up into the prison I flung open the door, carefully stepping out. My ankle throbbed with pain but I pushed past it, limping out and over toward another car before Rick was at my side.

"Ya alright?" He asked putting my arm over his shoulders, helping me walk.

I nodded "Didn't go as smoothly as I'd have liked but I'm alive"

"Come on let's get you to Hershel." Rick shook his head lightly as he helped me into the prison and over toward Hershel.

"My, my. What did ya do Bella" Hershel said kneeling down looking at my ankle once I had sat down on his bed.

"Fell, supply run didn't go so well" I said with a small smile, not showing how much my ankle hurt.

"Well, it's not broken. Just sprained but that still isn't good" Hershel shook his head lightly as he wrapped a bandage tightly around it "You'll have to take it easy for the next couple days. Maybe a week, try not to walk on it at all. But I know that's impossible theses days"

"I'll try my best" I said softly

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