12. What Happened

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Everything's black, I'm pressed against something cold, I can taste blood in my mouth and not just a small amount there's a lot of it. I force my eyes open, I feel weak and pain everywhere. I look around, the cell block is in pieces, the walls fallen in and than I see him; Carl. Ricks got his arms around him, dragging him out and away. I raise my hand up and try to yell out to him but I'm in to much pain and nothing but a cough comes out, causing me to choke on blood. I painfully roll to my side as blood drips out of my mouth, my vision goes blurry again and I fade out into blackness but I can still feel my body pressed against the cold floor. I cough some more and begin to cry, breaking into a silent cry my eyes shut tight. Not that it mattered I couldn't see anything if I tried opening them, I hear something, sounds like a voice but I can't make out who's. I feel arms lift me up and hang my body over their shoulders as they walk fast. I just dangle there, in to much pain to move or even cry anymore and the next thing I know I'm opening my eyes, once again laid on the ground, my vision is blurry a moment before I blink hard as I see the warm bright flames of a small fire beside me, keeping me warm. I try to sit up but there's a sharp pain in my gut, I cough and hear someone or something walking over out of the trees, I squint my eyes trying to make out the figure but are unable to until it comes closer and kneels down beside me. "D-Daryl" I say quietly and shaky.

He nods "Don't sit up, ya have a pretty nasty cut on ya stomach. Wasn't much I could do for it but its wrapped up" he sighed looking down at me with such sadness in his eyes.

I reach my hand up and touch his cheek gentle, he flinches back slightly but I don't care as I continue to touch his cheek "What happened?" I say softly, less shaky now.

"Doesn't matter" He stands and looks away from me but I won't give up there, I force myself to sit up, almost crying in pain but I force it back, biting down hard on my lower lip as a whimper escapes through my lips. "What did I jus' say?"

I hold my cut as I finally sit up, whimpering in pain "Doesn't matter" I say in a slight mocking tone, eyes clutched shut tight taking deep breaths. Daryl almost pushes me back down but stops himself. He slumps down on the ground in front off me with a loud sigh, his head hanging low as he stares into the fire. "Daryl, what happened" I repeat myself staring at him.

"It's gone, all of it. The prison... Everyone there" He said staring deeply into the fire "Everything"

I shake my head, Unable to believe him "It can't be, not everyone... I saw Rick and Carl, and were here. I was half dead but I'm here and so are you" I stutter over my words as a few tears fall down my cheeks. I hadn't been there long but the people there, they were good people and I was really beginning to feel apart of them.

"Bella, everyone is dead... Rick, Carl" he pauses a moment and I see anger grow on his face "Hershel. Everyone"

I shake my head more, tears now streaming down my face "No, your lying.... Not Hershel, he was strong and I saw Rick and Carl leave not long after I felt you pick me up" I say but I'm barely understandable as I begin to sob, Hershel was like a father to me, in the short amount of time I knew him he changed my life and helped me so much.

"Ya think I'm lying?" Daryl threw a rock "Hershel's dead, I saw it. Everyone saw it" He takes a deep breath as he stands his fits clutched shut tight.

I pulled my knees to my chest, I don't care how much it hurts because the pain inside is unbearable. The feeling of losing more people, losing another family. How could I be so foolish to think this would last, to think something good had happened, to think I found a friend. People that cared, but it was the opposite of all that. I found more people to miss, to feel pain for, to lose. I took deep shaky breaths trying to calm myself but it didn't work as I dug my nails into my legs, holding them close to myself, crying silently into my knees. This was the last time I'd ever let anyone in, no more. I can't bare the pain, the empty feeling, the knowing I'll never see this person again. A small twig breaks in the distance and as if my ears were meant to hear it I'm already standing, ignoring the pain in my gut and ankle as I limp over, taking hold of my knife still in it's holder on my leg. I see two walkers heading our way, Daryl already walking toward them but I push past him, driving my knife into the skull of one yanking it back out as I face the other. Tears still stream down my face making it slightly harder to see as I slice at the other walker, angry. I stab and slice before falling to the ground on top of the walker, I cry harder as I stab it's skull hard, Once, twice, three times. Yanking my knife back and standing, glancing over to Daryl who just stares at me "What?" I say as I finally stop crying. "Don't look at me like that, don't act like this don't hurt you. You knew them more than me, they were your family.... I saw how you cared 'bout them. All this?" I point at Daryl as I spoke clearly and angrily "This is some fake bullshit, what are you hiding?" I pause a moment but before Daryl can speak I start again "You're a real piece of work Daryl, but it don't matter because I'm done" I turn on my heels and begin to walk away from him, leaving the last person I know from the prison behind, the last person I'll ever care about.

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