6. The Prison

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We got closer and I saw a dark skinned girl standing close to the gate, she had what looked to be a sword hung on her back. She pulled at a chain opening the gate just enough for our car to drive through, without letting any walkers inside. My smile faded slightly as I began to feel nervous. Rick parked the car further up and flung open his door, getting out along with Carl. But yet I didn't move. I swallowed hard unclipping my seatbelt and slowly opening my door, forcing my feet one at a time to step out of the car and closing the door behind me. I hear the door click shut and I take a deep breath, knowing I can't hide in the car forever, my eyes wander and fall on Carl as he calls out to me.

"Bella" Carl called out, I nervously walked toward him "This is Michonne"

"Hi" I said quietly.

"Hey" Michonne smiled before walking off with Carl. They talked of comic books.

"Bella, come this way" Rick called out, standing near some doors that I believed led into the prison.

"This is nice" I said nervously, walking toward him.

"Yeah, it's something. Come this way" He opened the doors leading into cell block C "There's a cell at the end, it's empty. I want you to have it. Put all your things in there. It's yours alright"

I nodded softly "Thanks" I began to walk off toward the cell as I saw a crossbow leaning against the wall in the cell next to mine. I stopped, staring at it. Could it be!? I shook my head. It was stupid to think it had anything to do with the man in my dreams. I took a small breath and walked into my cell. Tossing my bag to the ground and sitting on the bed.

"Aye new girl. I'm Maggie" A brunette with short hair smiled.

"I'm Bella" I smiled back, standing.

"Wanna help me out?" Maggie asked, holding two poles in her hands.

"Sure, with what?" I asked glancing down at the poles.

"Clearing the fence" She started to walk off, I follow behind walking faster until I was beside her "Just follow my lead"

"Alright" I said holding out my hand waiting for her to pass me one of the poles.

She handed me a pole "Watch" she said once we made it to the fence. The Walkers were growling trying to push it down. She aimed the pole quickly and sent it into the skull of a walker, it fell to the ground and she repeated.

"Seems easy enough" I shrugged and copied her, picking it up pretty easy. Sending the pole into the skull was easy, but sometimes yanking it back out was hard.

"Your a natural at this thing" Maggie chuckled softly

"I don't know if that's a good thing or bad" I chuckled with her and repeat, some walker blood spilling over onto my hands. A slight disgusted expression washes onto my face as I swallowed down a lump in my throat.

"That should do for awhile" Maggie sticks the pole into the ground "Thanks for the help, I'll know who to come get next time"

"You're welcome, it's the least I could do" I gave a small shrug and stuck the pole into the ground, wiping my hands on my jeans.

"Come, I'll introduce you to some of the others" Maggie smiled and took of walking back up to the prison.

"Thanks" I walked beside her, observing the area around us as we walked back up and into cell block C.

"Beth." The brunette said walking toward a blonde "This is Bella."

"Hey" Beth smiled holding a small baby in her arms

"Hi, this must be Judith, right?" I smiled wide looking down to the baby.

"Yeah" Beth chuckled "Isn't she adorable"

I nodded softly "She's beautiful"

"Maggie, Glenn's lookin' for you" A older man said walking toward us.

"Okay. I gotta go, Beth would ya mind introducing her to the others" Maggie smiled her hand lightly brushing against my arm as she ran off.

"Glenn's her husband" Beth smiled "And this is my dad, Hershel"

"Uh, you must be Bella. Rick mentioned you" Hershel offered me a smile.

"That's me" I giggled lightly.

"If ya ever need anything don't hesitate to ask" He gave me a small nod as he walked past and into a cell.

I nodded and watched him walk away "So Beth. Uhm" I chuckled nervously "I'll be honest, I'm not that good at making conversation"

"None of us are at first" She shifts Judith's body in her arms as Rick runs past us, running fast outside. I glanced toward Beth before walking outside. My head tilts slightly and my eyes widen as I see a man wearing the same vest the man wears in my dream. My breath gets caught in my throat and my heart pounds in my chest. I can only see the back of him, only see his vest and his crossbow which was hung on his shoulder.

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