8. Supply Run

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My eyes snap open and I jump up, I'm all sweaty and my heart is pounding. I take a deep breath and let it out, that same stupid dream. I never remember how I got in that bed or why I was in it and I always wake up before I find out anything. Always after I see that man. I give my head a light shake and swing my legs of the bed, pushing my hair back behind my ears. I changed into another outfit. Still jeans but a black single this time, walking outside into the beaming hot sun. I seemed to be the only one awake as I walked around the prison area, letting my hair hang down, I normally wore it up in a pony.

"You're up early" Rick half smiled walking past "Oh Hershel said something about you going on the supply run today? You sure you're up for it?"

I nodded "Yeah, I was out there far to long alone. I think I miss it"

"You'll get used to being safe and in here. Then you'll hate going out" Rick chuckled softly "I'll let Daryl know you'll be going with him"

"Thanks, uhm I don't think I've met Daryl?" I said walking faster until I was beside Rick.

"You will" He said simply "Do me a favour and go tell Carl I need his help with the pigs"

I nodded and walked back off into cell block C, walking into Carl's cell "Carl" I said softly looking around but he wasn't in here.

"Boo" He said loudly, grabbing me by my shoulders.

I jumped forward "Don't do that" I laughed along with him "Your dad said he needs your help with the pigs"

"Sorry" He smiled grabbing his hat and jogging off. I smiled softly walking over into my cell, pulling my hair back into a high pony and letting whatever loose bits fall out. I picked up my knife shoving it into it's pocket and opening my bag, pulling out my hand gun and checking how many bullets it hand. Full. I placed it in it's holster attracted to my belt, before walking back outside wondering when I was going to be needed for this supply run.

"Hey, you sure your right to go on this supply run with Daryl?" Carl asked running up to me

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" I asked a puzzled expression crossed my face.

He shrugs lightly "Just, I thought maybe you'd wanna stay and get to know the people here that's all"

"Honestly, I think I miss being out there. I don't know but I'm fine with going" I offered him a reassuring smile "I just don't know who Daryl is yet"

"Oh, well he's almost ready. He'll met ya over at the cars in about 5" Carl nodded before running back down and helping his dad again.

I took a deep breath and started to walk over to where they parked the cars, slightly excited to be back outside the fence. I wouldn't feel stupid for feeling so alone and empty out there. Even if this Daryl guy was with me. I lightly leaned against one of the cars with my arms crossed waiting, a few minutes past before I saw the man with the crossbow walking toward me and I could see his face clearly. Their was no mistaking it, he was definitely the man from my dreams.

"You the new girl?" He asked and his voice was exactly the same, a few moment past as I stared at him with a curious look on my face.

I gave my head a light shake, my expression turning blank "Yeah, names Bella"

He nodded "Daryl. You ready?"

I swallowed the lump in my throat "Yeah" I said quietly

"Alright well get in" He said hopping into the drivers seat of a sliver car, I walked around taking a seat in the passengers side. My gaze fixed on him "What are ya starin' at?"

My gaze dropped down to my hands in my lap "Uh, sorry" he didn't speak again, just drove. I forced my eyes to look out the window. Watching as the prison got further and further away. "You got a list of things we need or something?"

"Yeah, baby formula" He said simply, turning a corner and a child's day care came into view.

"Seems easy enough" I stared at the day care as the car got closer and came to a complete stop, I slowly stepped out pulling my gun out of its hostler.

"Stay close, we get in and out" Daryl said with not even so much as a glance, I forced my gaze to stay focused on the day care as I walked closer toward it.

Daryl was already attempting to open the door as he mutters "Shit"

My gaze falls on Daryl "What?" I asked walking slightly closer toward him.

"It's barricaded shut" He says in frustration.

"Than we'll go through a window?" I shrug walking toward the window and taking a look inside, but I'm unable to see anything. Daryl walks toward the window holding a thick pole.

"Stand back" He says his tone showing his frustration. I move back as he slams the pole into the window, creating a large hole. He swings the pole around shattering the glass. I walk back closer to the window and before I can protest I feel his strong arms lifting me up and over into the day care centre. I jump out of his grip landing on the shattered glass as he jumps over, I hear small groans and my eyes dart forward, my heart drops and my eyes are wide as I stare at what roams in front of me.

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