23. At Any Moment

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My eyes snapped open wide as I grabbed my knife and pulled it from it's holster, I held it steady and ready to strike. I flickered my gaze toward Daryl: who was already aiming his crossbow.

"Daryl, they haven't noticed us. Slowly back away and then we run" I whisper to quietly, I wasn't sure Daryl had heard me for a moment until he nodded and slowly began to back away, we took small, quiet and careful steps. I saw a glimpse of red, realising they hadn't noticed us because of the food that was distracting them. I silently thanked whoever that person was, and at the same time I cried inside for another life lost. I watched Daryl slip his crossbow over his shoulder through the corner of my eyes, we made it a fair distant away before we turned and ran for it, Daryl's hand reaching for my forearm and tugging me more to his side, taking a quick turn down an alley and into another street, we stopped and I panted as I lunged forward and shoved my knife into a walkers skull, Daryl working with his own knife through the half a dozen of walkers, I was sent to the ground with a thumb as a walker fell onto me, I wasn't quite sure how but it laid on top of me, snapping it's jaw inches away from my face. I turned my head and drove my knife forcefully into it's head, some blood oozing out onto my cheek and making me gag as I pushed it off of me and pulled myself off the ground. Daryl at my side, protectively killing anything that came to close. After that we killed them fairly easily, they hadn't eaten in awhile and were decayed and weak, the lack of food taking it's toll on them.

I yanked my knife out of the last walker before turning to face Daryl, panting with a red face from the heat. I watched Daryl with easy eyes as he stepped closer and pulled out the rag from his back pocket, wiping the blood from my cheek "You alright?" He asked, softly.

I nodded, and wrapped my arms around him "Yeah, I'm alright" I whispered, realising how easily my life could be taken away or worse. His. Even the thought killed me inside. "I love you, Daryl"

I felt his hand go to the back of my head and his other on my lower back as he held me close to him, maybe he realised the same thing? Maybe it was breaking him inside as much as it was me? "I love you too, Bella."

A long moment past before I pulled back, inhaling a deep shaky breath and looking down, unwrapping my arms from around him and wiping the few tears that had escaped before I leant up and kissed him quickly "We should keep moving"

Daryl nodded and with that we walked in silence, though I refused to walk without his hand in mine. I could be ripped away from him at any moment and I wanted to feel his warmth, just feel him close as much as I could for however many days or months I had left on this earth. But I wasn't leaving without a fight, and with Daryl beside me. I knew it was gonna be a good fight. I glanced toward a house, the windows boarded up and everything around it looked dead.

"Daryl," I said softly, taking a small breath as he looked at me with raised eyebrows "Where do you think they are?" I asked, but he didn't reply. He just shrugged. "Why do you blame yourself for something you had no control over?"

"Because, I could have done more to prevent it" He mumbled, dropping his gaze from me.

"But you couldn't have, you did everything you could" I said, squeezing his hand softly.

"You didn't see it Bella, you didn't see what went down" he sighed and swallowed thickly.

"I still know you would have done everything in your power to protect everyone, you can't blame yourself for something you don't have control over" I pointed toward another house down the road a little further. "The suns getting low, maybe we should check that place out?"

"I could have done more," he looked toward the house and nodded "Alright, that'll probably be best"

After that we walked down toward the house in silence, but it wasn't a bad silence. I kept hold of Daryl's hand tightly as we walked, scared of something ripping him away without warning, without letting me say goodbye or even letting me come to terms with it. We stopped in front of the house, I frowned as Daryl let my hand go. Though I knew we couldn't work hand in hand. I pulled my knife out of it's holster and stalked up the stairs behind Daryl onto the porch. Daryl kicked the door open, and we entered. He made a small noise and we listened carefully, though I failed to hear anything. He took the upstairs and I took downstairs. Checking each room but each seemed to be empty, I heard a murmur from upstairs which caught my attention, then I heard talking. Somewhat Cheerful. Rick's voice echoed throughout the house and I almost ran up stairs to see if my ears had played some sick trick on me. I stopped in front of Rick and Daryl, a smile stretching across my face before I pulled Rick into a hug.

"I knew you survived, I saw you and Carl get out!" I said, hugging him tightly. I owed this man a lot.

"Hey, Bella" Rick half chuckled, and I pulled away, glancing between him and Daryl.

"Where's Carl?" I asked, realising he wasn't around.

"He and Michonne went out for some supplies" He told us, offering us some water but I shook my head.

I glanced toward Daryl, wanting to reach for his hand but now I was unsure whether he'd want to hold my hand in front of Rick? Did having apart of his group back change things between us? The Daryl I had discovered would he cover himself back up and shut off to the rest? I swallowed thickly. Scared I was about to lose him.

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