30. This Is The End.

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I stared at Daryl, slowly feeling the warmth of a hand on my shoulder "Bella" Maggie said softly.

"He's gone, Maggie" I whispered, slowly accepting this fact and the fate of what was going to happen next.

"He'll always be in your heart" she whispered but stepped back as her voice cracked and she broke into a small sob, I didn't dare take my eyes off of Daryl, maybe some part of me was still hoping he'd wake up or I would and this was all part of some nightmare. I imagined Maggie falling into Glenn's arms and him holding her against his chest as she sobbed, maybe Daryl was somewhere waiting for me with open arms?

"Bella.." Rick kneeled down beside me "I can't say how sorry I am, I can't say I know how broken you are right now but I know to an extend" he glanced down to Daryl and paused a moment, wiping the tears that filled his own eyes. "There's another herd coming, I hate to drag you away so soon but I'm not losing you as well" he gently kissed my forehead and stood "I'll give you a moment"

He'll give me a moment.. That was all I needed, one short moment. That's how long it took for someone to take Daryl's life away from me, to kill him. My untouchable Daryl, my reason. I lowered my head, praying silently a moment before I looked at Daryl "Amen" I whispered and closed Daryl's eyelids before placing a gently kiss to his cold lips. It broke me even more when I didn't feel him kiss back, maybe some part of me. Some childish part had wished a kiss would bring him back, like in the stupid princess movies I used to watch. I almost kicked myself as the disappointment and heartache throbbed painfully, I wasn't sure if I could do this. I might just stop breathing. I slowly stood, keeping my gaze on Daryl "I love you, too" I whispered to him as I forced a painful smile on to my lips before I turned to Rick. "He's going to turn, and I can't bring myself to do it." I whispered to him and he nodded.

Lightly placing his hand on my shoulder he said "I'll do it, you start walking with the group"

But I was afraid I couldn't do that, their eyes were on me. Watching, waiting. I slowly nodded toward them, tears still pouring down my face. I opened my mouth to speak, maybe to explain myself or maybe to just say a simple goodbye but my throat tightened and I was unable to speak past the tightness and forming lump, I looked at Carl and mouthed 'I'm sorry' before I turned my back toward them, lowering my head as I began walking in the opposite direction. I always feared death, what came after this life. I knew something had to be after this world, this couldn't be it. But I was terrified all that came after this was a black hole, an endless lonesome hole. My heart pounded faster inside my chest, it ached and broke with each step I took. I wanted to glance back, to see if the group. My group had left or if they were still watching me but I feared I'd change my mind and I couldn't do that. This needed to happen, I needed this. I needed my reason.

I'd met some amazing people throughout this journey, and I will forever remember and cherish everything they have done for me.

But my journey just lost it's reason.

And it saddens me deeply to end it so soon.

My name is Isabelle, last name not important. I dreamed of being Isabelle Dixon, married to my reason Daryl Dixon. But that day will not come in this lifetime, maybe in another. I am madly inlove with the asshole redneck who happened to steal my heart before I even knew it, I hope he is waiting for me. I cherish the friends I met along my journey of survival and I am terribly sorry to have to end it so soon and leave them. But I can not go on without a reason, without my reason.

So, as I walk toward the sun. It blinds me, I can barely see what awaits me not to much further but I can see enough. I walk into them, into the flesh eating monsters that ripped my family apart, that stole everything from me. I inhaled my final breath before I pulled my handgun from it's holster and held it to my head, I closed my eyes and let them take me. Slowly, painfully they ripped through my flesh but I managed to pull the trigger, and just like that I left this world. But I did not scream, or flinch or regret a thing because I saw Daryl waiting for me as soon as I closed my eyes.

I was Isabelle, and now my story is over.

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