Chapter 15

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I've been going live with Gavin and the supporters there supper nice and i haven't seen any hate so far so I'm really happy about that.

Gavin's POV

I've been hanging out with y/n for awhile and we've gotten way closer and its just her smile there something about it and- No. I can't do that i know that her and coco are friends and me and coco to a break from  each other. 

G=Gavin, B=Brian, Y/n= Your Name, C= Carter, C/F1=Carter friend 1, C/F2+Carter friend 2

G- "Wassup guys today i am going to be doing a. Well I'm a its gonna be really unexpected but today I am going to be going on a date for 24 hours with my best friend Y/n Johnson"

B- "your gonna be dating your bestfriend for 24 hours?" 

G="Yes. Um for those of you who don't know Me and Y/N has been friends for about 7 months now" He said with a smile. "And um were really-"

B-"why are you being so awkward?" 

*Moment of silence and Brian and Gavin staring at each other*

G- "Because. Brian i have to DATE. my BEST FRIEND. for 24 hours" he made those words really clear.

G-"Not that there's a problem with that because its not- Oh also guys if you want a like Vlog/Storytime/Mukbang? as to how me and y/n met comment down below speaking of comment make sure you like comment and subscribe down below you know. Turn on the post notifications So you don't miss a video when i upload  "

B-"so what do you have planned today because your going to be dating your best friend"  

G-" maybe a little shopping maybe a little dinner I don't know you'll have to just see"

G- "wait Brian can-can you pause this for a second? I think I'm gonna ask y/n out instead"

B-"Wait like a prank?"

G-"No Brian like a" *He put the camera down out of brains hand but little does he know the camera was still on.* "Like for real, I actually like y/n"

B-"But do you think she will be ready?"

G-"Just come on" *he said while running toward the car*

G-"Ok guys we are out here at Carter's house and he's gonna help me ask out...y/n"

B- "You think he will be down to help us out?"

G-"No." he answered that quickly with no hesitation* 

G-"But we can go see. like- w-we can try"

B-"Lets do it"

*At carters house*

G-"Hey man."

C- "Yo. ya what"

G- "So um I actually needed your help today for a video"

C-"I'm good. no I'm good dude see ya later man"

B-"wait what-"

*Door shuts in Gavin and Brian's face*

G- *rings doorbell again* 

G-"So like do you maybe want to be in a video for like my channel later"

C-" ya, oh wassup Gavin I didn't know that was you that whole time" 

B-"you didn't know that it was him"

C-"ya no I'm just playing. what are you guys doing"

G-"so listen, I need your help today with asking out someone on a date"

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