1- where's your mind?

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Author's Note: The picture above is what Sam Hearken (the main character) looks like

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Author's Note: The picture above is what Sam Hearken (the main character) looks like. I hope you guys enjoy this story, 'cause I know I enjoyed writing it. Please give me feedback on my writing and let me know if y'all like it, comments are very encouraging and they make my day. Enjoy :)

"Where in the hell is he!?" I shout, slamming the front door of my apartment.

My roommate Jenna peaks her head out of her room to see what all the commotion's about. "Sam, I'm trying to sleep, what's going on?" she says sleepily. Her long black hair always looks curly before she brushes it in the mornings. She works the night shift at the Dingo, so her mornings are actually evenings.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down a bit. I hate being mad. "I called Dallas a few days ago 'cause I haven't seen him in a while and he said that he'd meet me at the park today. I hate when he doesn't show up like that. I sat in the sun for almost two hours waiting for his ass."

Jenna chuckles, "Why are you guys friends again?"

"I know all his secrets, he knows mine and we keep each other from doing stupid shit... or we do stupid shit together. Plus he got me through middle school, I can't just throw away someone who got me through the three most awkward years of my life," I laugh, dialing Dallas' number on the phone.

Jenna shakes her head then goes back to bed.

Dallas answers- what a surprise. "Hello?" His voice sounds lower than usual, almost like he's in pain.

"Are you okay?" I check in.

There's a long pause, then Dallas says, "I'm fine. Just, hungover- probably."

I sigh with frustration, "Did you remember we were supposed to meet at the park today?"

"Yeah I did, but I didn't feel like getting up. I was gonna call you... I must've fallen asleep. What time is it?" he asks.

"It's 1 in the afternoon already. You really piss me off, you know that? I mean, where are you half the time? Where's your mind? It's like you're not really there anymore."

Dally sighs, "I'm gonna be honest, my head is pretty fucked up right now and I can't deal with... anything. So please, feel free to leave me alone... until... I don't know." The line clicks. That jerk hung up on me.

In the moment, I get mad, but I know I shouldn't blame him for these kinds of things. Dallas' head can get in some pretty dark places, I've seen it happen, especially when we were closer a few years ago. The older we grow it seems like the further we drift apart and I just wish there was a way to revive the friendship, to keep it going. I get really attached to people and I can't imagine losing anyone, especially someone I've known since I was eight. I hate when he's like this, it's scary.

I remember when he first told me about what goes on in his head, we still lived in New York then. I had no idea, and I felt horrible for not realizing sooner. Dallas had called me that day, asking if I could come over. I didn't feel like coming, so I said no. Later on, I did decide to go hang out with him, and I found him passed out cold with an empty bottle of liquor in his hand. We were only thirteen. I thought he was dead, and I panicked, realizing that he needed me. Thankfully when I tried to shake him awake, he woke up. From then on, I decided I will be by his side no matter what, because he needs people more than he lets on.

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