4- home sweet home

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Author's Note: Me: Aw poor Sam her life is so difficult right now, I wish there was a way to make her feel better

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Author's Note: Me: Aw poor Sam her life is so difficult right now, I wish there was a way to make her feel better. *keeps making her life more difficult*

For the next few days Dallas was sleeping on and off in his hospital room, I have been trying to keep him busy with card games and stuff, but he's pretty uninterested in everything and would rather just sleep. Police came the other day to hear my story and to talk to the doctors about the drugs they found in Dallas' system. I guess since he almost died they cut him a break on the drugs and just put a written warning on his record. They woke Dallas up and told him abut the warning and then they left.

Finally, came the day he gets to go home. When a doctor came to tell me the news I was still half asleep and the sun was just coming up. 

The doctor explains, "Since you are the closest family member that we can get a hold of, you can help Dallas decide if he wants to stay in a rehabilitation center, or he can stay with a family member that has a healthy environment and safe household. If you are willing, and if you have space, you could let him stay at your house. Wherever he goes, he will have to stay there for at least three months, or until he improves mentally." I nod along as he continues, keeping in mind that I told him that I'm Dally's sister, "He will need to see a therapist at least once a week for three months, and Dallas cannot be left alone for more than an hour. As well as keeping him away from sharp objects, alcohol and drug paraphernalia. Of course, if you take him to the rehab center none of this will be a burden on you."

Dallas will refuse to go to a rehab center, I just know it. I guess I could force him to stay at my house, that way I could keep an eye on him. "It's gonna be a burden either way," I said with a sarcastic tone.

The doctor and I talked for a little longer, and eventually Dallas woke up and joined the conversation, "I'm not going to fucking rehab." See?

The doctor goes on to explain that if he doesn't want to go to rehab, he'll have to stay at my house. I cut him off and say, "Because I'm the closest family you have." then I pull at my ear. That used to be our code for 'I'm lying and I need you to play along'.  

Dallas furrows his eyebrows in an annoyed expression, but he plays along. "Fine, I'll stay at Sam's place, but I'm not promising that I'm gonna follow any rules or anything."

I shake my head and try not to laugh. This is going to be pretty difficult. The doctor rolls his eyes and just pretends he didn't hear it, while looking at one of the machines Dal is hooked up to, then writing down the data on his clipboard. Once he was done collecting whatever data he was writing down, he tells us that we can leave.


The drive home was silent, other than me anxiously tapping the steering wheel, knowing that I'm gonna have to figure out how to keep Dallas in my house. 

"You gotta be quiet, Jenna's still working the night shift at the Dingo so she'll be asleep for a while," I remind Dallas, opening the front door quietly.

"What am I supposed to do all day then?" he asks, looking around the apartment. 

"Well, you're supposed to rest," I scratch my head, "Uhh, I can take you to see a therapist if you want, and just get it over with. 'Cause either way you have to go this week."

Dally shakes his head. "I am not going to see a therapist."

"Whatever," I sigh, "You can be the state's problem." I turn on the TV and throw the remote at Dally. "For now, you can keep busy by watching TV."

I ran around doing chores most of the day, which Dallas refused to help with as well. Then later that night, Dallas and I argued about whether or not he could drink, thankfully I won and he decided to go to bed early. Since my main source of entertainment went to sleep, I decide to go to bed too.

Author's Note: Yeah yeah I know, suuuper short chapter, but I wanna stick to posting a chapter every other day and it's been two or three days lol

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Author's Note: Yeah yeah I know, suuuper short chapter, but I wanna stick to posting a chapter every other day and it's been two or three days lol. So yeah, it's gonna start getting interesting from here :D

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