11- friend or enemy

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Author's Note: It's getting pretty interesting now

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Author's Note: It's getting pretty interesting now... heh. Let me know if you guys think I should change up my story a bit, because I don't know if this plot makes sense at all lol.

"Alright! Figure out where you're sleeping, your choices are the dirty floor in this front room, the broken couch in the room to the left, the rough and stained carpet in the room down the hall, and the horrible smelling mattress in the other room down the hall." River announces.

Thank God I brought a blanket for myself. "I'll take the floor," I sigh, pulling my blanket out of my bag.

"Couch!" Jess said enthusiastically. "Hey, Dallas," she puts her hands on Dal's chest, "You think the couch is big enough for the both of us? Plus, it's already broken, maybe we can try to break it some more." She smirks, pulling him in for a kiss.

I roll my eyes, trying to spread my blanket on the floor. River pulls the two love birds apart, "No! This is a war between our gang and the Denims, not playtime. So the both of you, find separate rooms."

Dallas eventually takes the stained carpet room, and Jess reluctantly goes to the broken couch alone. Gunther stays in the front room with me to guard the front door, and River guards the back. 

Once everyone is settled, I'm unable to sleep, so I decide to ask Gunther what I've been wondering all day, "Hey Gunther, do you talk? Like, at all?"

He nods.

"Well why aren't you talking?"

"I don't find it necessary." Gunther finally says in a strong New York accent, kind of like Dally's.

"Oh. Why do you let River order you around like that?" I ask, sitting up to look at him.

"She's the love of my life, I'd do whatever it takes to make sure she's safe," he said matter-of-factly.

It didn't seem like River and Gunther were together, so that's a shocker. "Oh... You guys are dating? I didn't know that-"

"No, we're not dating. She does not need the drama of a relationship in her life." He shrugs.

"Oh... I'm sorry." Well... Gunther is very strange.

"You know, I usually don't talk to people unless I know that they will be significant in my life. Whether they are there as a friend or an enemy." Gunther explains, fumbling with his gun.

"Am I friend or enemy?"

"That's for you to decide."


Gunther's snoring keeps me awake for most of the night, so I go into the grassy field behind the building to watch the sunrise. I'm surprised to see Dallas sitting out there too. "Hey," I whisper. It's too early to talk out loud.

"Hey," Dallas groans, scratching his head with a tired expression on his face. "I'm sorry."

"For what?" I ask, sitting beside him in the dirt.

"I really didn't want you to get tied into this. You know that once this mission is over they're going to kill us. We're not special. And um... I'm sorry about Jess." 

Why did I decide to do this? I knew the consequences and yet, I stuck with Dally. He's so loyal to his sister that he's going to help her lead this gang, even though he knows that River will eventually kill him. And I'm really not worried about Jess at all, Dal is sensible enough that he won't date her, it'll just be a meaningless fling- if anything. I don't know why I'm okay with being in this gang, I don't know why I'm okay with dying after this, I don't know why I'm okay with Jess. I think I'm in love with Dallas Winston. 

"Dallas it's okay, really. You're a great person and if I were to die with anyone, it'd be you." I mumble, looking at the sun peaking behind the treetops in the distance.

We didn't say anything for a few minutes, then Dallas breaks the silence by adding, "Hey, if we get out of this alive, we should go on a date," he chuckles.

I laugh, "Sure, why not." I can't help but get excited when he says this, but I know that we won't live to that day. A girl can dream, I guess.

Author's Note: I don't think anyone's actually reading this, but if you are, I'm sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a while. I started a new book on here, The Outsiders Smut (My best friend forced me to make it because she's horny XD) yes I called you out lmao. Anyways, the smut in that book is very intense and not realistic at all so don't read it if you're still kind of innocent lol.

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