9- the beacon

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Author's Note: Welcome to my crazy ass changing of my story lines :) 

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Author's Note: Welcome to my crazy ass changing of my story lines :) 

"Sam! Sam!" I wake up to Jenna screaming my name. "Where the hell is Dallas!?"

"What- what do you mean?" I mumble, still half asleep.

Jenna talks fast, jumbling up her words, "I got home and the door was wide open- all I saw was a- a knife- blood on it. Dallas is gone and I thought he might be in trouble-"

"Wait wait wait wait. There's a bloody switchblade at our door!?" I shout, jumping out of bed and running to the front door. The calendar next to our door is knocked down, and there's a switchblade with thick, crimson-red liquid on it. There are also drops of blood surrounding the blade. Something really bad went on here. "What the hell happened?"

"I- I don't know. Do you think Dally got kidnapped or something?? I mean, is there a murderer out to get him? How did you not hear this happen?" Jenna asked.

"I- I was asleep." I think for a few minutes. "Oh shit..." I lift up the switchblade, which has a wooden handle.

"What? Holy- Sam! Don't touch that!" Jenna shouts, not daring to try to stop me any further, though.

Sure enough, carved and burned into the handle of the knife is; Basilisk Beacons. I freeze in place, my eyes widening as the switchblade drops to the floor. I catch myself on the kitchen counter, feeling like I'm going to faint. I haven't heard that name in a long time.

"Sam? Sam what's wrong?" Jenna asks cautiously, holding her chest as she tries to calm down.

"Um..." my voice wavers, "it's a gang Dallas used to get into trouble with. They almost killed us both, that's why we left New York. They're the Basilisk Beacons."

"Oh my Gosh, are you serious? A gang from New York is here? Why would they do that?" Jenna gasps.

I try to think of reasons why... and then I realize. Dallas' dad was a part of that gang- pretty high rank, too. The only thing I could think of is maybe Dal's dad is looking for him, but it's been three or four years, so why now? "I don't know, maybe Dally's dad wants him or something... We have to find him before he takes initiation again."

"Takes initiation?"

I shiver, remembering initiation. "Yeah, you have to take this drug- I've never heard of it before and I don't remember the name, but it makes you feel sick and it causes confusion and makes your vision blurry. Then you have to beat up this random kid- usually a young girl, until blood is drawn or she's knocked out. Once you do all that, they burn their brand into your skin, and you have to promise you'll do anything for the Basilisk Beacons. And... you promise that they can kill you whenever they need to. I guess the drug makes you feel fearless and impulsive."

Jenna's eyes widen. "Please tell me you weren't a part of that."

I lift my shirt and partially my bra to reveal the small burn scar of a black lizard carrying a flame torch in it's mouth, just below my breast.

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