14- he knows something

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(Dallas Winston POV)

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(Dallas Winston POV)

"Dallas! Where've you been!?" River shouts across the room, walking over to me.

"I'm sorry man, we got lost," I answer calmly, looking over at Jess who nods in agreement. The room we're in is one of the old bedrooms in the hotel, on the second level. It's pretty much empty except for the chairs that people have scavenged for and brought back here.

"I would yell at you for that stench of marijuana on you, but we got bigger problems," River said sternly, glaring at me as if she's trying to figure out what actually happened that caused me to be late. "Sam's gone."

My heart jumps up to my throat and I sit in one of the chairs to try to keep my composure. "What? Sam's gone?"

Gunther nods and River agrees, "We got to the hotel and she disappeared. We searched all over for her."

Jess steps forward. "Oh my God... That's horrible," she said in her fake voice.

I turn to Jess in a spurt of anger, "Sam is part of your fucking team now, so fucking act like it!" Then I turn back to River, "How'd that even happen? I thought you'd be watching her!"

"I don't know Dallas! Maybe if you were here actually participating in your mission instead of smoking weed Sam wouldn't be gone! You better shape up, Dallas or you're getting kicked to the curb, alright? Maybe Sam disappearing is your wake up call," River said in a firm voice.

I don't understand, River has never lost anyone, she would never let anyone valuable out of her sight, plus it's impossible to lose someone with Gunther. 

Gunther... Did he let her go on purpose? There's no way he would've lost her, he's the best at keeping track of everything. He seriously lost Sam on purpose? How stupid can he be? I'm so pissed I could kill him right now. 

I jump at Gunther, grabbing his shirt by the fistful and shoving him against the wall. "How the hell could Sam get past you, huh? You got rid of her, didn't you? You fucking bastard, why would you lose her? You never let anything get past you, you did this shit on purpose!"

Gunther doesn't answer he just shoves me off of him and straightens his shirt. "Say something you fucking coward!" I yell, pushing him against the wall again and punching him repeatedly.

The crack of a gunshot makes me and Gunther jump, and we both turn around to see that River shot up  in the air to get my attention. "I'm about ready to shoot you Dallas if you can't get your fucking composure together," River shouts, pulling me away from Gunther. "Leave Gunther the hell alone, he didn't do nothing. Sam disappeared when he was dealing with someone else's shenanigans. If it's gonna be anyone's fault it's mine, alright?"

I slouch back into a chair, "Damn it, I'm sorry." I look over at Gunther, still pissed no matter what. His eyes are shifting back and forth, and he keeps anxiously moving like he's uncomfortable. He knows something. Of course I can't look into it now, because River thinks I've gone insane, so I have to sit here and pretend nothing happened like an idiot.

There's a knock on the door. River opens it and it reveals one of the hardcore Basilisk Beacon members. He has lizard and fire tattoos all over his arms. "The Denim Jay-Crows left you a letter," the guy hands the letter to River. The paper is shaking as he holds it out for River to take.

River opens it and reads it silently for the first half, but then she reads the second half out loud, "If you want them back, meet us in the Rumble Field tonight by sundown. Prepare for a rumble, and if we win, we keep Basilisk members of our choice, if you win, you get the members we originally stole back. Failing to accept this rumble will result in the death of your members we have in possession at this time. And the hot blonde chick we stole will be tortured, raped and left in that field to die. So be on time. -Denim Jay-Crows."

I shiver, knowing who the 'blonde chick' is. Trying to connect the dots, I think about how Gunther knows something. He could've been bribed into handing over some members of our gang, or he could be completely working for the Denims. Who knows at this point.

River scoffs, "Those fucking idiots. They're going to raid headquarters while we're trying to save Sam and some other members they must've taken in that damn field. We're gonna have to split up and have guards on high alert here at the hotel while the others fight in the rumble. Jay," she turns to the hardcore Basilisk, "get half of our best fighters down to the field, including yourself." She turns to Gunther, "Gunther, you take the other half of our fighters and the guards-in-training and have each person sit by every single door and window we can."

Jay nods, then Gunther nods and they both leave to round everybody up. I speak up, "Let me fight in that rumble."

River sighs and thinks for a second, "Fine, but don't get yourself hurt, I'm gonna need you later to help with our prisoners in the basement. Don't worry about your little friend, Sam either. They probably already killed her anyway. Now move along and catch up with Jay."

If Sam is already dead, I will not let the Denim Jay-Crows get away with this. My blood boils just thinking about it. I'll kill them all, then when I get more proof I'll kill Gunther. 

Before I catch up with Jay, I stop in one of the bathrooms and toss my bag onto the sink. I open the bag and pull out rope and my handgun that Sam brought for me. Unrolling the rope, I place the gun under my pant leg so it's hidden, then tie it to my leg. Looking in the mirror, I make sure the gun isn't visible through my pants, then I run outside to find Jay.

Author's Note: Yay Dallas is a psycho murderer, what a surprise. Ok this chapter sucks so that's why it's so short lol, but this next chapter should be interesting. Also, if ya'll comment funny/interesting things on my story that'll probably give me more motivation to write faster... Just saying XD

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