20- gone (final chapter)

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(Sam Hearken POV)

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(Sam Hearken POV)


Jenna is staring at me, begging silently to be saved. She is inside my mirror, banging at the glass that seems unbreakable. I grab a brick and break open the glass, screaming, "Jenna! Don't die! Jenna please!" But there's nothing behind the glass and I lose Jenna again.

Suddenly I feel someone's hand on my shoulder, shaking me violently. I open my eyes and look up in the dark room, seeing a familiar face. I just woke up. It was just a dream.

"Sam! Are you okay?" He shouts, concern riddled over his face. Then I remember where I am. I'm on the couch in the Curtis house, surrounded by all of Dally's friends.

I sit up to better see who woke me up. It's Johnny. "I- I'm fine I just had a dream," I stutter, still trying to wake up a little.

I hear another voice beside me, "Dammit, Sam I can't stand you having nightmares over Jenna. I just want to fucking kill myself," Dallas' sleepy voice groans, standing up and walking towards the light switch. The light turns on and I realize that I woke everyone up except Two-Bit who's too drunk to wake up. Steve, Johnny, Ponyboy, and Two- Bit all slept over in the living room to keep Dallas and I company. I watch the boys blink against the bright light, their hair ruffled and their faces still extremely sleepy.

"I can't help what I dream, Dallas and I still can't forgive you for that, but- can we just not talk about it?" I sigh, not wanting to cry over Jenna anymore.

It seems all I've been doing is sitting on the gang's couch and crying for the past three or four days. At least I have a family now, a support system. Everything seems better when you're constantly surrounded by good friends.

On our journey back to Tulsa, Dallas and I didn't talk much. We still haven't talked about what we're going to do about loving each other and we probably will never speak of what we went through in the Basilisk Beacons gang, even though we probably should.

Steve speaks up, "Um, I know you don't want to talk about it, and I've been afraid to ask, but Soda's been real worried about Jenna and uh... You guys haven't said much about Jenna that's reassuring..."

I can hear Dallas mumbling curses under his breath with his head in his hands.

"Oh shit." I shut my eyes tight and try not to let any tears through anymore. Sodapop has no idea Jenna is dead. His own girlfriend just disappears for a couple weeks and Dallas and I return without her. He must be terrified right now, and that's why I haven't seen him around as much as the rest of the gang.

Ponyboy adds, "I mean, we're glad to have ya'll back and all I'm just... I'm worried about Soda. He really liked Jenna..."

I take a deep breath. They deserve to know the truth, but I just physically can't tell them the truth right now. "Um... The Basilisk Beacons- well... she- she died," I stutter, practically holding my breath to keep from crying. I can't even look at Dallas right now.

A voice behind me makes me jump out of my skin, "She died?"

I turn around and see Soda stepping down the stairs and walking into the living room. Having to look Sodapop in the eyes after he just learned that Jenna died is one of the worst things I have had to do. His eyebrows are kitted together as if he's angry, but his eyes are soft and tears are building up in them, and his lips are quivering as if he's trying not to cry. I look away, not being able to face him.

Everyone jumps when there's a loud crash as Dallas jumps up, practically knocking over the coffee table and he walks outside. The door slams and I watch Dallas walk down the driveway through the window. He probably couldn't handle seeing Soda's reaction.

Though, Soda does pretty much the same thing Dally does; he just storms back up the stairs and into his room, slamming his door.

"Okay I'm-" I start, pausing to keep myself from crying, "I'm gonna go... talk to Dallas." My voice is course from trying to keep from crying so much.

Ponyboy nods, "I'm gonna see if Darry's up yet."

So I walk outside, cautiously approaching Dallas. "You okay?" I ask, walking up to where Dal is leaning against the fence.

"I can't fucking do this. What happens when they find out that I fucking killed her?" he mutters, messing with some wire on the fence.

I sigh in defeat, "Dally, we will get there when we get there, aright? Right now, all they know is that Jenna died, so we need to be there for Soda and the gang. And I can't really be there for you right now either, I'm so mentally exhausted and I'm hurting. I lost my best friend so I'm sorry but I just can't keep chasing you around like this making sure you're okay all the time. And- and I still somehow really like you and it's driving me crazy. You are driving me crazy. The gang- they don't even need to know the truth about Jenna, okay? One day if you ever feel up to it then you can tell them, but for now, they believe us as it is."

I can't afford my apartment anymore because Jenna paid half of it so I need to sell it before I get the next bill, so I'm pretty much homeless right now, plus the fact that Dallas is probably still suicidal and he could be planning to kill himself at any moment, and not to mention the fact that my best friend was killed by my other best friend.

"Sam let's get out of here. Fuck these responsibilities, let's just go," Dallas said, staring out at the road.

"Where Dallas!?" I ask, irritated at how he just runs away from everything, even though I want to run, too.

"I don't know. Let's find someplace cool, and we'll stay in Oklahoma so we can visit the gang, but we just need somewhere fresh to start over." 

I think he's right. We do need to start over. "Okay... let's... let's go then," I decide, smiling to myself.


"Yeah," I conclude. "Let's just make sure we tell the gang where we're going and stuff... Maybe we can live in the country."

"I don't know about that," Dallas laughs.


So I sold my old apartment and I moved out some of my stuff, Dallas and I said our goodbyes to the gang, and we just left. Sodapop left too, in search of a new life in a better town, a place where he can meet someone new and start a family. The gang still aren't sure where Soda went. Dallas and I headed towards the country, just east of Tulsa and we never looked back. In a neverending cycle of love on the neverending road.

Author's Note: And that's it. I'm thinking of an idea for another fanfic I might write, but idk yet so comment or message me if you got any idea suggestions. Also please vote if you liked this fanfic, not because I want the votes, just so more people can read this story because I worked really hard on it. Thanks for reading you guys :)

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