8- it's starting

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Author's Note: **Smut warning** Yes, again

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Author's Note: **Smut warning** Yes, again. Why not lol. The smut in this chapter starts pretty close to the beginning... so yeah.

I still think about that drunken night with Dallas- a lot. Every time he talks I get butterflies, and I can't even look at him anymore in fear that I'll blush. It's been two weeks since that night. I've been letting him leave the house a lot, I just made him promise he won't go to Buck's or do anything too dangerous. I'm mostly letting him be out because I'm avoiding him, and it'd be hard to avoid him in my own apartment.

It's a rainy day, so I sat around reading a book all day, the kid I was going to babysit canceled so I have a free day. Dallas walked in soaking wet from the rain, his shirt tight. Damn it. 

"I was gonna go on a long walk but the rain's too fucking cold," Dallas curses, grabbing his bag of clothes to change. "Do you need the bathroom? I'm gonna take a shower."

Damn it! "Um, no. Go ahead." I sigh, keeping my eyes on my book. My eyes follow him as he walks through my room to my bathroom then shuts the door. My book is suddenly extremely boring.

Maybe if I have sex with Dallas one more time, I can get over this stupid attraction. Okay that obviously won't work, but....

No one's home except for Jenna, but she's asleep. I'm just going to see if he locked the door. I make a deal with myself: If he locked the door, you're done- go back to your book, but if it's unlocked... I feel my ears get hot and I already know my cheeks are red.

I reach for the bathroom door and take a deep breath. Please be locked. Please be locked. Please be locked. I grip the doorknob, regretting my decision now. What am  doing? I can't just fuck my best friend- again. The knob turns. The door swings on its hinges. 

I guess I'm doing this... it's happening. I tiptoe in, and lock the door as quietly as I can. The mirrors are fogged up, and little beads of water are slowly sliding down the glass. I pull off my clothes slowly, trying to convince myself not to do this. It's too late now. 

Finally I build up the courage and say, "Dallas." to warn him, then I pull back the curtain.

His eyes grow wide. "What the hell are you doing?" he asks, looking me up and down.

I don't answer, I just close in the space between us, wrapping my arms around him, and kiss him. The kisses start getting more intense and are filled with desire as we make out, both of us exploring with our hands. 

"Are you sure about this?" Dallas asks as he leaves kisses down my neck.

He was sucking on a sweet spot near my collarbone, so all I could say was, "Mmh" and he continued kissing.

He came back up to my lips and kissed me quickly, biting down on my bottom lip as we separate. His hands slid up my bare thighs and he lifts me so I'm straddling him with my back against the shower wall. I moan as he enters me, looking into his eyes. I finally got what I needed. His lips smash against mine as he starts to rock his hips against me, my walls tightening around him.

I grip my hands on his shoulders, digging my nails into his skin. Dallas starts thrusting harder and faster into me, and I bite on his neck to try to keep from moaning, leaving a patch of hickies. 

I let out a moan as I orgasm, feeling him release inside me at about the same time. We ride it out together with a couple of sloppy thrusts from Dallas. 

As soon as we separate, I grab a towel and leave, not being able to even talk to him anymore from feeling so awkward and stupid and regretful. I get dressed and try to return to my book, but I can't stop thinking about what I've done. I can't believe I made the same mistake twice.

I take a few deep breaths, trying to clear my head. It'll be okay, I just have to set some boundaries for the both of us and eventually things will go back to normal. Will we ever be normal best friends again? I wish it were that easy.

Dallas eventually walks out and says, "Okay, Sam we have to talk about... what just happened." He sits on the couch across from me.

"I'm.. sorry I don't know why I did that..." I mumble staring at my feet.

"No, trust me, I don't mind getting fucked, but-" he laughs, "why?"

"I don't- I don't know." I chuckle.

Dallas stares at me for a a few seconds, not knowing what to say. "Okay... Are you gonna keep acting weird like this or what?"

I finally move my line of sight from the floor to Dallas, "I'm trying not to, I just- it's weird, I never meant to have sex with you and I definitely didn't plan on doing it again, it just keeps happening."

He laughs at me, then smirks, "It's not a big deal, Sam. Besides, it's not your fault I'm hot, and the girls can't resist me."

"Oh my God, you jerk." I grab one of the pillows beside me and throw it at him, laughing in the process. Is it possible that it's not just an attraction to Dallas, but I have feelings for this jerk? I mean, we've been friends forever and I know all the disgusting and really rude things he's done that would make no girl ever want him, but I still somehow let him kiss me after we danced, had sex with him when we were both drunk, and then again when we were both sober. "Please don't tell anyone about this, okay?"

"What, are we gonna keep doing this?" he asks, almost hopefully. He'll take any chance to get laid.

I roll my eyes at him, but honestly I don't know. "I... Maybe. I don't know."

And that's how it all started.


We started lying, saying that Dallas had to stay at our apartment longer than the original three months, we haven't been getting much sleep because of a train that keeps coming at night all of the sudden, and Dallas has a new girlfriend who's giving him those hickies.

We snuck around a lot, which was a bit harder since Sodapop has been around a lot more ever since Jenna and him started dating.

So that's how we ended up here: Dallas and I, in my bed after a crazy night. Dally was sitting up, trying to wake up and get out of bed, and I was leaning my back against his chest, my head resting on his shoulder. Seated between his legs with his arm wrapped around me, gives me such a warm feeling, a feeling I wish I wouldn't get when I'm around him, in fear that this won't be such a casual fling anymore. I run my fingertips up and down his arm while I listen to his heartbeat thoughtfully.

"Sam, it's 5:30 AM, Jenna's gonna be home soon. We gotta get up." Dallas said softly, breaking the peaceful silence.

I whine, "I'm so tired. How about you get up, and I'll try to get some sleep."

"Deal," he smiles at me, sliding out of bed from under me. Since I was wearing Dal's t- shirt over my underwear, I tug it off and toss it to him, reaching for my own clothes to put on before going back to bed.

As soon as I laid my head down to sleep, there was a loud knocking at the door. No one ever knocks on our door unless they said they were coming, so it's strange to ever hear that. I hear Dallas answer it, so I just keep letting myself drift off into a deep sleep.

Author's Note: The song T-Shirt by Thomas Rhett is stuck in my head; "You keep sayin' that we gotta quit doing this, so why you leaning in for one more kiss? And pretty soon you're sliding off what you got on, and slipping into my t-shirt." It's a good song if you like country music lol.

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